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Speed awareness courses

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As a slight aside, I don't know whether the police still do it, but hiding those mobile speed cameras can not be justified. Its allowing people to speed and not immediately dealing with it. A speeder having a fine land on their doormat 2 weeks after the fact isn't dealing with the speeding offence as it happens.


All mobile speed cameras should be in full view as prevention is surely better than cure.

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Its allowing people to speed......


No it isn't. It isn't a defence to say you were allowed to rob a shop because they didn't have CCTV. There are speed signs and drivers should know the highway code. The absence of visible speed cameras doesn't give carte blanch to drivers to speed.

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As a slight aside, I don't know whether the police still do it, but hiding those mobile speed cameras can not be justified. Its allowing people to speed and not immediately dealing with it. A speeder having a fine land on their doormat 2 weeks after the fact isn't dealing with the speeding offence as it happens.


While I don't agree with you saying its "allowing people to speed" (LeMaquis answered it perfectly), you are right that the punishment two weeks later is a bit silly.


My ex was caught speeding by a mobile camera and was flagged down by a copper. He gave her such a rollocking that it did scare her straight and she was far more careful.

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No it isn't. It isn't a defence to say you were allowed to rob a shop because they didn't have CCTV. There are speed signs and drivers should know the highway code. The absence of visible speed cameras doesn't give carte blanch to drivers to speed.


If a police officer witnessed a robbery taking place in a shop he would intervene and attempt an arrest, not hide, observe it happening, let the robber rob the shop and leave the scene, and then send the robber a fine in the post 2 weeks later.


---------- Post added 12-08-2016 at 12:08 ----------



My ex was caught speeding by a mobile camera and was flagged down by a copper. He gave her such a rollocking that it did scare her straight and she was far more careful.


Yes, they have a tendency to do this don't they. She should have reported his abusive unprofessional lack of self control whilst on duty.

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I have just been offered the option of a speed awareness course. Can anyone whom has already been on this course give me a little info on what I can expect? :help:


I took one last year, found it to be fairly informative so was pleasantly surprised.


It wasn't in any way judgemental and I certainly wasn't made to feel guilty about the offense.


edit... oh just seen this is a thread from 2012 ;)

Edited by Magilla
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4 miles over is within Police guidelines for non prosecution.

You should at least complain.


Against what?

You refer to ACPO guidelines that suggests a 10% +2mph margin before prosecution but the Police have (and use) their discretion in issuing a ticket or not.

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  • 1 month later...

after just spending 4 hours at a speed awareness course for being 6mph over the limit what are others views and experiences?

although i was glad to be offered the course instead of points i do feel it could have been condensed into 2 hrs instead of 4 hrs.

a lot of time was taken up with breaks, health and safety for the building and police not wanting the course filmed. the course teacher was fairly good and not what i expected and learnt a couple of things i didnt know.

i realise there is an old thread mods but its 3 years old.

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I did one in February and was not initially offered this facility till I asked.It really is a box standard teaching on what to watch for and when to watch for it.It just gets you to try and remember the basics.It will never stop you from having a momentary lapse in concentration that we all have.There were some there though that did not embrace the reason behind it and thought it a real hinderance to their day,and seeing it was their second time there just did not think that there was anything to learn.

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