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Speed awareness courses

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Just wondering, has the awareness course changed your driving? Do you try to drive safely now?


I always drive carefully... the speed awareness course did"nt make a ha,peth of difference, all they did was tell me what I already knew.


I have been a professional driver all my working life, and of course I make mistakes no body is perfect.

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Depends on your definition of good driver tbh.


Fair cop isn't having a shady bloke sitting at the bottom of a huge hill on a road that's capable of driving 120 down ready to snap you at anything above 30 on a Sunday evening when nobody is on the roads. Nanny state and all that.


Fair play to you if you're okay with that kind of business going on though. :hihi:


Are you serious? I don't believe you are. But just in case you are an unbelievable idiot like the one who killed my friend's child by speeding a few years ago, that "shady bloke" is trying to keep our roads safe.


Many people get caught breaking the speed limit by accident or even on purpose and accept the consequences. To boast about deliberately speeding and potentially murdering someone and then trying to blame the police is utterly stupid.

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Are you serious? I don't believe you are. But just in case you are an unbelievable idiot like the one who killed my friend's child by speeding a few years ago, that "shady bloke" is trying to keep our roads safe.


Many people get caught breaking the speed limit by accident or even on purpose and accept the consequences. To boast about deliberately speeding and potentially murdering someone and then trying to blame the police is utterly stupid.


AB, DC. is"nt boasting about anything.

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I always drive carefully... the speed awareness course did"nt make a ha,peth of difference, all they did was tell me what I already knew.


I have been a professional driver all my working life, and of course I make mistakes no body is perfect.


Honest question, what makes you a professional driver?

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AB, DC. is"nt boasting about anything.


I didn't actually say DC was boasting. That was aimed at all the people who get caught speeding but blame the police for catching them instead of blaming themselves for making a mistake or deliberately risking killing others.

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I went on the speed awareness course, morning session, afternoon session was fully booked up....I counted 30 people all paid £90.. £2700. same again afternoon, that's £5400 for the day, 2 instructors to pay.... theres 100s of centres around the country, at least dick turpin wore a mask.


Dick Turpin robbed innocent people though.


Don't get me wrong i'm not anti car or anti speeding(in the right circumstances) but if you get caught man up and accept it.


As i advised my elderly relative on his speeding fine and training course, 51 years with a clean license doesn't mean you don't speed, it simply means you haven't been caught before.

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