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Speed awareness courses

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Qualified rally driver / instructor. Don't need educating on the roads pal. I know how to drive safely and not endanger others. It's the others I have to worry about.


And these pathetic cameras in trap spots.


This is where we know it’s a troll or good old-fashioned ****-stirrer (and a quite successful one at that - 37 posts from one incendiary post thrown into the room).

Still, let’s think about the troll’s unlikely claims:

Remind me how much opposing traffic you find on a rally course, where your co-driver/navigator knows every bend, dip, hollow, gradient, camber almost to degree that a caddy knows a golf hole.

What relevance does a rally driver’s skill set have for the random set of hazards we meet every day on our roads.

Plus, if the rally driver can’t get his speed down for the next muddy turn having descended a steep hill, he and his co-driver end up in neck braces. So the troll really ought to be able to get his speed down on tarmac.


The first and last rally driver I sat next to in on-road training was the most conservative driver I had met that year. I’d suggest we all take a leaf out of his book and keep our on-road stuff boring. Other track/race instructors I’ve sat with as a passenger keep their on-road activities as boring and uneventful as they can. They get their kicks some other way.

Edited by DT Ralge
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As the blue (registered white) van is breaking the law, surely it cannot operate as a speed camera vehicle. It should not be on the road. What if it caused an accident, would it's driver be prosecuted for causing an accident and operating a motor vehicle of the wrong colour in relation to its log book.



Edited by ANGELFIRE1
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Nope I remembered it.. I think it's happened more recently too


Couple of years ago in Humberside, hiding inside a Horsebox and a Tractor.




Although the police firmly blame speeding in the area, the article does indicate many collisions are due to drivers performing manuverus without bothering to look properly first.


when you consider how many side roads and field entrances there are.


'Someone pulling out onto the road does not expect a vehicle coming towards them at such high speeds, the likelihood of a catastrophic collision is raised considerably.

Edited by geared
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Couple of years ago in Humberside, hiding inside a Horsebox and a Tractor.




Although the police firmly blame speeding in the area, the article does indicate many collisions are due to drivers performing manuverus without bothering to look properly first.


So, let’s have the Police play by the rules (guidelines, rather), let’s keep it tidy and perfect - cameras make themselves obvious and nobody gets caught ... tractors don’t pull out in a SMIDSY moment (...) and nobody dies.

That’ll be a perfect day, then -

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