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Speed awareness courses

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Sounds reasoned but, in high-risk urban areas full of vulnerable road users, how is "realistic" defined by you or anyone else?

You drive a car no doubt with excellent brakes.

And the car next to you?

And the van?

And the truck?


You think, perhaps, that many/most drivers are making best use of the better technology that modern cars give us. That would be true, today (it's wet again) if a high percentage of them:

- had checked their tyre pressures recently

- had any idea what tread depth they have on all four corners

- had any clear idea what tread does (it ain't "gives you grip")

- had any idea how the tread's performance drops like a stone off a cliff below a level way above the legal limit

- had any idea as to the difference between, say, driving at 30 and 35 and braking to a stop. From 30, no impact. From 35, impact at the point where you stopped from 30, clearly, wet or dry. What speed on impact at this point, though?

- had any idea where the headlight switch is in poor visibility


Any suggestion that drivers deserve "more realistic" limits since they make use of the better technology seems less than watertight.



Long winded posts do not alter the fact that the speed traps are tax collectors.

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You would be wrong. The difference between me and you is that when I was caught speeding, I didn't blame anyone except myself for breaking the law.


Isn't it funny how if you dare to try and put the blame on the speeder for their fine & points they need to come back and accuse you of either being perfect or not being a driver.


Why is it hard for some people to comprehend that its not impossible to still drive to the standards required for the driving test?


Or is it just a certain number of people who can no longer do what they were taught to do during their driving lessons and test? If so then perhaps they need further lessons or should stop driving. :)

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Where a single camera can earn more than £500,000 per year , it is blatantly obvious to all but the retarded that it is tax collecting.


Was this the camera sited in temporary road works on a stretch of motorway to protect the workers and was blatantly ignored?


Speed restrictions in motorway work areas are signed far more prominently and frequently than anywhere else. If drivers think its fine to ignore the law and ignore the safety of the workers then I have no sympathy.

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In other words you don't have an answer or a valid excuse - like just about every other person who gets caught speeding!


But if they want to keep paying the idiot tax, so be it, just don't start bleating on here about how unfair it all is because you're not a competent driver.

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