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Speed awareness courses

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A quick Google told me that 78,000 vehicles used that stretch of road daily in 2010.


Dividing the quoted figure of 789 drivers by 30 works out that on average only 26 of those 78,000 were caught speeding.


Makes you wonder what those 26 couldn't do what the other 77974 could!


But please keep trying to troll, you'll get it one day :)

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Maybe the fines should be replaced with prison sentances? 10 days for the first offence, doubling for each subsequent offence? Would that be fairer for you defunct? There wouldn't be any more "indirect taxation"...

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The points system is a more than adequate deterrent without taxes being collected.

Prison should be an option too in very serious cases. Fines do nothing other than collect tax and get peoples backs up with police for extortion.

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The points system is a more than adequate deterrent without taxes being collected.

Prison should be an option too in very serious cases. Fines do nothing other than collect tax and get peoples backs up with police for extortion.


But that's the issue with cameras isn't it.

At one time it was the police who managed and advised on speeding issues.Some discretion was possible and varying conditions and circumstances taken into consideration.

Cameras don't do this.

I'm not knocking cameras or the other speed restriction options,but I repeat my earlier comment that they make it much more likely to pick up a ticket than it used to be.

Most offences are of a marginal nature ,35/40mph in a 30 mph limit.as the cameras are invariably sited on major roads,this is probably safer than doing 30 mph on minor roads with houses ,schools and double parked cars.

To get back to the subject I would commend the course because speed awareness is not all about how to avoid fines,but how to drive safely in all conditions.

Edited by RJRB
Spelling error
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The points system is a more than adequate deterrent without taxes being collected.


Is it?


More than 600 drivers from across Greater Manchester are driving with more than 12 points on their licence



Nearly half of motorists with 12 or more penalty points on licence allowed to keep driving by the courts



Carry on driving for half of drivers with 12 points on licence


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Is it?


More than 600 drivers from across Greater Manchester are driving with more than 12 points on their licence



Nearly half of motorists with 12 or more penalty points on licence allowed to keep driving by the courts



Carry on driving for half of drivers with 12 points on licence




The reason that so many are allowed to continue driving is because the courts know that the drivers have been scammed by the police for their £60. Stopping the fines would prevent this extortion by police and the courts would not be acting on false premises.

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The points system is a more than adequate deterrent without taxes being collected.

Prison should be an option too in very serious cases. Fines do nothing other than collect tax and get peoples backs up with police for extortion.


Fines don't get my back up with the police.


Lets swap the fines then for an instant ban shall we? No reason for complaints about stealth tax then. The ban could be on a sliding scale. Your issue seems to be about percieved stealth tax, so this'd solve that problem...

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