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The Baltic Bakery

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1st pub i ever went in got roped into playing darts and it was there home base its a business now but pubs still standing think.its on or near blast lane


The North Pole was not too far from Blast Lane, it was at Sussex Street and Effingham Road and is now a place of worship.

Edited by stpetre
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Hi, I'm new to the Forum. so this may be old info for you. Baltic bakery started

as John Goodman & Sons ,Baltic Lane along with 13 shops including the

orchid street in the city. John Goodman was a good master bakery in his

time and retired at the end of the 50's due to shortage of funds?

J,B handed over the Co to a good friend who was in the metal business

The bakery continued to run successfully although all the shops had to be

closed down apart from orchid street. The Co was now known as Baltic

bakery and with in the year it was handed over to the manager

Jack Bacon ,Jack ran the bakery with his son taking over the running

in the seventy's .


As a schoolboy in the early 60's, I worked part-time at Weldon's farm in Ecclesfield along with one of their full-time employees, Tony Goodman. Looking for all the work ( money) I could get in those days, Tony introduced me to his father who had a shop on Swanbourne Road next to the Lane Top Essoldo with a view to washing his car every Sunday. Could this have been the John Goodman mentioned above as the name Baltic Bakery was definitely mentioned by one or other of them?

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As a schoolboy in the early 60's, I worked part-time at Weldon's farm in Ecclesfield along with one of their full-time employees, Tony Goodman. Looking for all the work ( money) I could get in those days, Tony introduced me to his father who had a shop on Swanbourne Road next to the Lane Top Essoldo with a view to washing his car every Sunday. Could this have been the John Goodman mentioned above as the name Baltic Bakery was definitely mentioned by one or other of them?
i left school in 1959 and my first job was at goodmans bakery as it was called then I remember mr bacon he was was in charge when I started there i used to help fill the orders for the the drivers always an happy place aprt from the baker who could swear like a trouper haha
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Many years ago at the City Hall, a chance remark in a conversation with Albert Colley, was my first memory of the Baltic Bakery. The remark was that his mother had bought shares in the business. Albert was a cousin, I think, to Brian Mooney. Entrepreneurs to the max.


Hi Texas, I know Albert very well, must be about 50 yrs. He's still around, into his 80's now I think.

Albert's father, known as Tubby married Dolly Mooney, Jimmy and Brian's Mother, it would have been her buying the shares. They lived on Baltic Road in the 50- 60s. Brian no longer with us, Jimmy still about, he's 87 now still driving, I have a coffee with him now and then.

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