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£36k+ per year in rent for a market stall, RIP Sheffield market

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And when they don't find much the real plan will be revealed.

Thats right its quite obvious to any sane person that after all the construction that has gone on in that location over hundreds of years any thing on site will have been moved or used elswhere .

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If as suggested the rent is £3k a month, that does seem very steep for these kind of businesses. It'd be a shame if hardworking stallholders who've been operating for years, were priced out of the new place - maybe they'll have to goto Donny or Barnsley instead (Donny market is so much better than ours currently).


Sticking it at the bottom of the Moor, where other stores have moved away from (such as Argos) is a strange location, mainly covered with cheapo shops - would it have been possible to have considered the old GPO building at the top of Flat Street, or is that just not big enough - that would've been within easy distance of the current markets for the regulars.


I did wonder if the suggested price was perhaps floated by someone unofficially by the council to a tenant, to cause uproar early on, so when the council reveals it's actual figure (well above the current rent, but significantly below £3k), then it'll be more easily accepted...or is that just cynical... :)



As for the comment earlier about reasonable parking prices in the city centre, that's just not right - they're far too expensive and just another reason to goto Meadowhall or Peaks and park for free.

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Here, Here, I will second that what a daft place for a city Market.


Oh yeah how silly to put it close to all the major department stores and a the future location of the major shopping development.


Yeah, really dumb that init :loopy:


What's wrong with you people. Will you get it into your heads that nobody is shopping at castlegate anymore. Everything down there is run down or closed. Fargate, Barkers Pool, Pinstone Street and the new moor development is the shops are these days. The shopping part of town is becoming more compact following the trend of every other major city development.


The days of people wandering from the wicker, through the Sheaf and Castle markets, up in the old biddy lift t' cafe in castle house, down into the hole in't road to laugh at the prices in Walshes, wandering up fargte trying to avoid the over eager socialist worker mob, getting squirted by the perfume dollies in Cole Brothers, wandering down the moor to buy a record in wollies and your nan draggin you into Atkinsons before finishing up at S&E Coop at Eccy road and catching your bus home for 2p


.......TIME TO WAKE UP drag yourselves into 2012 and realise those days are gone. It progress and it was desprately needed.


That eyesore has been standing for too long and its time to pull it down. Its dirty, ugly, in the wrong location and totally irrelevant to the shoppers of today.


No wonder this city never develops and we are always behind the others with some of the attitudes on here.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Oh yeah how silly to put it close to all the major department stores and a the future location of the major shopping development.


Yeah, really dumb that init :loopy:


What's wrong with you people. Will you get it into your heads that nobody is shopping at castlegate anymore. Everything down there is run down or closed. Fargate, Barkers Pool, Pinstone Street and the new moor development is the shops are these days. The shopping part of town is becoming more compact following the trend of every other major city development.


The days of people wandering from the wicker, through the Sheaf and Castle markets, up in the old biddy lift t' cafe in castle house, down into the hole in't road to laugh at the prices in Walshes, wandering up fargte trying to avoid the over eager socialist worker mob, getting squirted by the perfume dollies in Cole Brothers, wandering down the moor to buy a record in wollies and your nan draggin you into Atkinsons before finishing up at S&E Coop at Eccy road and catching your bus home for 2p


.......TIME TO WAKE UP drag yourselves into 2012 and realise those days are gone. It progress and it was desprately needed.


That eyesore has been standing for too long and its time to pull it down. Its dirty, ugly, in the wrong location and totally irrelevant to the shoppers of today.


No wonder this city never develops and we are always behind the others with some of the attitudes on here.

I was shopping in the Castle Market on Tuesday and it was packed out with people ,you are wrong.

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I was shopping in the Castle Market on Tuesday and it was packed out with people ,you are wrong.


Decent clean clear headed folk dont want to venture in there though..or even down that end of town. Why is anybody moaning about getting a fresh new modern market in a better location :confused:

They used to hold an outdoor market on the moor and that was always busy so there's nothing wrong with the location.

Those who want to stay rooted in the grimy past can use their free travel passes to get to Barnsley markets.

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I was shopping in the Castle Market on Tuesday and it was packed out with people ,you are wrong.


I had not used the market for years as its not conveniant for me due to location but I have been in recently and bought from some of the excellent butchers and fishmongers in there, the place was very busy on both occasions.

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Are you on crack man?


There was never a free-market rent in the first place. Same with the council housing and private housing through state subsidised mortgages.


Thy works thy pays.


Thy works thy pays.


Thy pays over the odds again and again and again.


The building cost jack ****.


It has been paid for many times over.


Market rent?


It should tend toward 0.


We could build build build and trade trade trade.


But we don't, pay more taxes man, more people need dole, you banned them from working in first place.


the greeks have the best idea...bit short of cash...throw out the council sitting tennants and sell the shiny new devolopment to property devolopers and move the tennants into the empty run down flats..ie park hill...and everyone ones a winner....

government gets ready cash..and run down flats spring into life...and with the left over cash..they build a market nearby...

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I think the quoted 36k rent a year is pure speculation / scaremongering. I havent seen quotes from anybody in authority yet. Maybe the thread title should change.


I dont think it is, this figure came from a trader AND a council member on Radio Sheffield last week.

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