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£36k+ per year in rent for a market stall, RIP Sheffield market

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Went shopping there today and was surprised by the lack of customers. Then I had a good look round before buying anything and then realised why its getting worse. The prices of fruit and veg may be cheaper but its just not up to the quality that the supermarkets can offer and is not that much of a difference in cost. There is also hardly any difference in the cost of popular meats and what is on offer is also not as fresh.


Here is a list of stuff I commonly buy.


Bag of carrots 50p, supermarket carrots 60-70p

Bag of onions 50p, supermarket onions 60-70p

Cauliflowers were cheaper 3xsmall ones for £1 but the bad bits had been trimmed off so not very fresh.

Leekes, too much green tops and once trimmed would be cheaper at a supermarket.

Swede, fresher and just as cheap at supermarket.

Stew beef, 1lb for £3.55, supermarket fresh packed 2lb for £7.

Kidneys, fresher and cheaper at supermarket.

Wanted a chicken, didn't like the look or price.


The idea of a market is to have cheaper and a wider range of food on offer but that is no longer the case so if it carries on as is then it will not last much longer.


As said before, Sainsburys is just opposite which is where I ended up getting the chicken from. If I can do most of my shopping at a supermarket in one go without much difference in cost, and where people can park easily for free then why go to the market?


BTW I dont have a car just pointing out how much easier it is for some.

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I was in last week, I feel sorry for the traders in there. They used to turn their Stock over very frequently in the old market, but with the lack of footfall their produce does look a bit sorry for itself.

And we all miss the Market chippy :hihi:

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The idea of a market is to have cheaper and a wider range of food on offer but that is no longer the case so if it carries on as is then it will not last much longer.



I agree with your points on Supermarkets but not the above. Personally I think for a market to survive it needs to be going the other way.


Cheapest for the working masses is no longer its target. In fact, that has been dying off for decades. Supermarkets and Discount Stores fill that gap now.


What the market needs to be doing is moving towards specialist / quality / premium and rare import goods. There are thousands of well paid professionals working just a few minutes away from the new market plus a mass influx of well healed foreign students living in the area.


That should be prime catch for a market hall offering premium, organic, fresh, artisan, specialist goods. I have said before, just look what happens when the continental or farmers comes to town, its packed and tills are ringing. Why cant the new market be more of that. That's what I think would get more people in there.


Despite what some people insist. The market is no longer for the low income, low demand person. People are not interested in going to the market for a sliced white loaf and a quarter of boiled ham. That time has long gone. What they would flood in there for is some freshly made artisan bread and some decent quality locally made cheeses which never would be seen in a supermarket stock room.


Adapt or die.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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It is now official ,The Moorfoot Mall has less foot fall than the old Castle market had even in its darkest days.

Moving away from the traditional area is the biggest planning goolie that any Town Planners in any Town on Earth has ever been responsible for ,they should be sacked.

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Vegas, you can say what you want but the transport connections of the new market location are not as good as the old castle market one.


Matter of fact the busses don't even stop for the new market, you have to walk a long way away from its entrance/exit to catch one of these buses.

There have been many times I walk from new market to get a bus and I see it driving past and away as I walk to the bus stop.


The old market was more pleasant for transport but it was getting very run down, I don't miss it.

The new market is too posh and it looks stupid un market like because someone tried too hard and now it turned in some sort of meadowhall like meat fish veggie place.

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Vegas, you can say what you want but the transport connections of the new market location are not as good as the old castle market one.


Matter of fact the busses don't even stop for the new market, you have to walk a long way away from its entrance/exit to catch one of these buses.

There have been many times I walk from new market to get a bus and I see it driving past and away as I walk to the bus stop.


The old market was more pleasant for transport but it was getting very run down, I don't miss it.

The new market is too posh and it looks stupid un market like because someone tried too hard and now it turned in some sort of meadowhall like meat fish veggie place.


"A long way"??


As already said there are at least three entrances and exits. Use the nearest. If people cant be arsed walking an extra twenty meters then god help them. You make it sound like every single bus stopped bang outside the main entrance at the old place. More often than not you had to go up or down a hill, the new place is all on the flat.


As for buses driving away that can happen in any location, but I'm sure you knew that. Has nowt to do with the new location.


In the list above, which bus stops "a long way" from the market, then?

Edited by Vegas1
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SCC aren't fit to run a bath. Everything they do is disaster. A disgrace to the city of Sheffield and to the hundreds of thousands of people who pay exorbitant levels of council tax to keep these useless slugs in their overpaid jobs.


Are you not going to post something like "Everyone in SCC must be sacked and sent to the gulags, even the cleaners", you usually do :D

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