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£36k+ per year in rent for a market stall, RIP Sheffield market

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If they are the prices then he woudve know that before he signed up. And the second year costs should be spread over the first years savings. Its not been open 6 months yet.


I think that his business plan hasnt worked out the way he wanted it to and hes blaming everyone else.



He undoubtably would have known the future costs, but there was a free period. I'd go in an expensive bar for drinks if they said your first 2 drinks were free. I'd probably leave before the 3rd. I'd certainly leave before the 4th.


Why wouldn't a start up business set up in the market if offered a rent free stall. If the business works he can then move to a more reasonable priced pitch. If it doesn't then he's lost nothing. The folk who have their business plan wrong are the council. They forked out to build a white elephant market, got no return from stall holders who are now looking elsewhere after grabbing all the freebies.



Should the £18m construction cost be added onto our council tax bills?


That's for the council to decide. I wouldn't have wasted £18m building it in the first place. Fortunately as with The Student Games, Supertram and The Moor Market, it isn't my council tax they will be adding it to.:hihi:


---------- Post added 03-04-2014 at 10:03 ----------


They had to build something before Castle Market was condemed.



Should they be be building a new Don Valley Stadium in that case?

Edited by Anna Glypta
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The rent is clearly prohibitively expensive. You can see something's amiss by all the massive number of empty stalls.


Empty stalls are a very bad thing for a market: you'd think they'd be crying out for stallholders to set up there.


I don't know the rents, but I know it's the other charges that are massive.

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Don Valley Stadium was closed because only about 7 people used it. I wonder how many people who moaned about the stadium closing had been in the last 3 years.


So it'll be the same with the market, if people dont want to use it then they'll just give it to a supermarket chain like Tesco.


Then everyone who never uses it can have a good old moan again.

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Then everyone who never uses it can have a good old moan again.


I absolutely love the new market: organic fruit and veg, the chinese cake shop and a load of other really cool places to buy things... what's not to like?

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I think we should give the place more time to find its feet and settle down a bit.

Some on here are a bit quick to say I told you so.


There was always going to be a few casualties in the first 12 months as there would be with any new businesses...


Some of the stalls must be doing OK?

Has anyone from those businesses doing well actually posted on here?

It would be interesting to hear their side of the story.


I am sure once the council realises the problem needs addressing , they will look at reducing rents/rates to entice new stallholders to take the plunge.


My personal thought aside from all this is that it is a great building but the stalls themselves feel kind of temporary and cheap...


As if they moved the periodic outdoor market - indoors...


Might have been better if they had put a bit more effort / thought into the stalls themselves to give them as much design input as the building?


Plus I wish someone would turn the lights off when its closed - having them blazing at all hours cannot be helping with the running costs!

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Don Valley Stadium was closed because only about 7 people used it. I wonder how many people who moaned about the stadium closing had been in the last 3 years.


So it'll be the same with the market, if people dont want to use it then they'll just give it to a supermarket chain like Tesco.


Then everyone who never uses it can have a good old moan again.


The Don Valley Stadium closed because folk couldn't go to it. It required the effort of those running the place to put on an event and unlock the gates. It was because they didn't do their job that the place closed. A few hundred folk climbing over the fences each day wouldn't have saved it. Perhaps the council should have considered that before they built it.


Similarly it was no use building a market that cost so much to build that the rents meant no on could afford a stall. There seems to be something lacking with the planning in Sheffield. Intelligence.

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They had to build something before Castle Market was condemed.


No one was using the old market. Especially young professionals and students who are the bread & butter of City Centre retail as so called real Sheffielder's only use Meadowhall anyway.


I assume the rates have increased for a prime location, better facilities and transport links that will appeal to everyone not just people born in the 40'/50's

There was as many people if not more use ing the Castle Market as there are now use ing the new one.


They were all proper Sheffielders who are the backbone of this City .

it is the young professionals that use Meadowhall .

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There was as many people if not more use ing the Castle Market as there are now use ing the new one.


They were all proper Sheffielders who are the backbone of this City .

it is the young professionals that use Meadowhall .


Except the old castle market was losing £1m a year plus and was falling down. Alwats ignoring the inconvenient truth as usual cuttsie. It's the people of Sheffield that decided to use supermarkets and progress that have resulted in the decline of the markets generally.


Most of the people moaning about the new market either never used it or alternatively cant provide viable alternatives about what they would or could have done as a solution.


It seems typical of this forum that people want to run Sheffield down and they are salivating at the thought of things going badly.

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Except the old castle market was losing £1m a year plus and was falling down. Alwats ignoring the inconvenient truth as usual cuttsie. It's the people of Sheffield that decided to use supermarkets and progress that have resulted in the decline of the markets generally.


Most of the people moaning about the new market either never used it or alternatively cant provide viable alternatives about what they would or could have done as a solution.


It seems typical of this forum that people want to run Sheffield down and they are salivating at the thought of things going badly.

Stop calling me an alwat .

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Except the old castle market was losing £1m a year plus and was falling down. Alwats ignoring the inconvenient truth as usual cuttsie. It's the people of Sheffield that decided to use supermarkets and progress that have resulted in the decline of the markets generally.



It seems typical of this forum that people want to run Sheffield down and they are salivating at the thought of things going badly.


I'm struggling with your logic and your accounting here. If the old market was losing £1m/year it isn't saving money to spend £18m to build another market unless it can stop those losses and on top of that repay the £18m that has been spent on building it. So it is all well and good you going on about Sheffield folk moaning. They have every right to moan if this turns into yet another money toilet alongside Don Valley Stadium and the Student Games.

Perhaps if the council wasn't having to pay millions to pay interest on Supertram and the Student Games, they wouldn't need to charge stupid rents in the market.


---------- Post added 03-04-2014 at 12:56 ----------


Most of the people moaning about the new market either never used it or alternatively cant provide viable alternatives about what they would or could have done as a solution..


A bit radical I know but perhaps not build it would be my answer.

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