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£36k+ per year in rent for a market stall, RIP Sheffield market

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One or two on here (the usual suspects) are decrying the stallholders for accepting a stall at discounted rates knowing full well what the full rate would be, I assume they were also promised a certain amount of footfall from the council in the new location.


I wouldn't decry anyone for taking advantage of any freebie offered when starting up a business. The problems are all with the council when the freebies start to run out and the businesses start to look for somewhere cheaper.

If the council can't fill the market when they are offering rent free stalls, I can't see folk queuing up for them when those silly rents start coming in.

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The list may be getting longer but any business seeking to set up a stall would be aware of all the costs before hand. When setting up your business plan you include all the costs and weigh them against best and worst estimates of projected sales. If the numbers mean you're going to make a loss then you need to make some changes, whether that be location or whatever.

Complaining after the event is the mark of either a whinger or bad planning.




All stallholders in the new market, whether transferring from the old market or new traders, had to submit a detailed 5 year business plan for the council to vet.


As the business plan had to include financial forecasts you would hope that anyone who hadn't included business rates as an expense would have been pulled up on this by the council.


The problem with preparing forecasts for a new venture is you do not know how busy trade is going be and thus forecasts are a guesstimate.

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Also the markets management "suggested" that the footfall would be 120,000+ per week, with NO movement on charges should that not happen.


TBF they might have to adjust. They have no market without stall holders. Ofc they might have planned for no market.

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