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£36k+ per year in rent for a market stall, RIP Sheffield market

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So apart from a few years, the most money has been wasted by the same political party? More recently by even the same leaders?

Did you know that the council gave the contract to Kier then changed to Kirkland to build the market with NO penalty clause in place for not meeting a deadline? They then spent a further £250,000 on top of the tendered price?

These same old leaders can cut a front line service, but find 1/4 million pounds for a contractor that they have already paid to do a job!

Sunday rant over! ?


I don't wave a flag for any party but if you care to think back you will find that a certain Paul Scriven said in 2010

"The £18 million is not new; it has already been agreed. The choice is that either the developer, Scottish Widows, build the new market and gets the rent - or the Council does. We did an analysis to find out which was in the best interest of the people of Sheffield and we found that if we put the money upfront, then not only do we get the money back over a period of time but also Sheffield taxpayers start making a profit from the money that comes in through the rents. It's investing now to make money for Sheffield in the long-run."


As I have said before, No matter who you vote for the council get in.

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Who else is to blame for a council operated market that has had empty units since it opened and has businesses quitting rent-free stalls after less than six months?


There are opther things that affect a retail business including the state of the local or national economy and the decisions made by the business owners themselves. In the old market businesses failed, in the new market some business will fail, on the high street some business will fail.

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Who else is to blame for a council operated market that has had empty units since it opened and has businesses quitting rent-free stalls after less than six months?


The people to blame are ,one, the Stallholders committee who fell hook line and sinker into bed with the Planners and Market management ,The customers told them that they would not back a move to Moorfoot.

It is to late now to start moaning about rents and overheads any one could see that for the majority of businesses the figures do not match up.


The Council.


The Castle Market customers where every day customers who used theMarket as an integral part of Sheffield life and that has been taken away from them by a so called Labour Council who! for some reason got together with big business bosses down at the Edge of Town and decided to not even ask the Market customers as to what their feelings on moving were.


The actual people who used the Markets have been swept to one side as not even relevant to the move and its location.


---------- Post added 06-04-2014 at 13:53 ----------


I don't wave a flag for any party but if you care to think back you will find that a certain Paul Scriven said in 2010

"The £18 million is not new; it has already been agreed. The choice is that either the developer, Scottish Widows, build the new market and gets the rent - or the Council does. We did an analysis to find out which was in the best interest of the people of Sheffield and we found that if we put the money upfront, then not only do we get the money back over a period of time but also Sheffield taxpayers start making a profit from the money that comes in through the rents. It's investing now to make money for Sheffield in the long-run."


As I have said before, No matter who you vote for the council get in.

And so who takes the losses.

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What a load of tosh cuttsie. They are losing less money now than they were. You are so stuck in the past it is untrue. The main reason markets declined over the last 30+ years is because people shop in other ways i.e supermarkets. If the market was that importnat to those people you feel have veen betrayed, then why cant they manage a bus ride of less than 10 minutes?

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What a load of tosh cuttsie. They are losing less money now than they were. You are so stuck in the past it is untrue. The main reason markets declined over the last 30+ years is because people shop in other ways i.e supermarkets. If the market was that importnat to those people you feel have veen betrayed, then why cant they manage a bus ride of less than 10 minutes?

I know I talk codswallop Trigger but if it mecks thee feel better so be it.

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The people to blame are ,one, the Stallholders committee who fell hook line and sinker into bed with the Planners and Market management ,The customers told them that they would not back a move to Moorfoot.

It is to late now to start moaning about rents and overheads any one could see that for the majority of businesses the figures do not match up.


The Council.


The Castle Market customers where every day customers who used theMarket as an integral part of Sheffield life and that has been taken away from them by a so called Labour Council who! for some reason got together with big business bosses down at the Edge of Town and decided to not even ask the Market customers as to what their feelings on moving were.


The actual people who used the Markets have been swept to one side as not even relevant to the move and its location.


---------- Post added 06-04-2014 at 13:53 ----------


And so who takes the losses.


The last time I looked Paul Scriven was not a Labour council leader, it was he who signed the deal he claimed.

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The last time I looked Paul Scriven was not a Labour council leader, it was he who signed the deal he claimed.

Is That a Fact or a claim from the same man who tried to get Park Hill demolished .


As far as I can remember Julie Dorrs and her colleges were all jostling for places on the front row when the press where in attendance on the new Market opening day.

Maybe she had forgot her earlier statement on how much she loved the Castle Market.

Edited by cuttsie
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I've been in there a few times now and haven't found it the empty, echoing wilderness that some people seem to be saying and there seemed to be quite a few people actually shopping rather than just ambling round as I was. I went to the trouble of asking the staff on the information desk why the signage for the toilets was so poor but didn't push the point as I know this has been noted by management already. Some-one I know rather than just coming on here and moaning actually bothered to ring the manager and point out that any empty stalls is not a good look and they were told the market wanted to have a good variety and not just be swamped with numerous stalls all selling the same things. Also some of the stalls are fitted with a water supply and so of more interest to a food stall rather than any other type which makes sense. If people are really so interested in the market and want it to be a success then maybe a few others should ring and ask some rather pointed questions

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