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£36k+ per year in rent for a market stall, RIP Sheffield market

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So you want the council who spend a few million on project then lose money on the project? why should the tax payer lose out to subsidise the market trader. in real world if you cant complete you could leave and let other people with better business sense in


£3000 a month is a hell of a lot for renting a market stall in the real world, anyone with business sense can see that.

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£3000 a month is a hell of a lot for renting a market stall in the real world, anyone with business sense can see that.


Its in a prime spot, Try and get a qoute for convent garden indoor market stall, A lot of business its all about location, location & location

Try and get a shop in meadowhall, you will be talking about 100k a years for a normal shop

Edited by danny128
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Makes you wonder what happened to this bit from 1684,


"by vote of the Town Burgesses and other inhabitants, that "all such persons as shall be, by counsel learned in the law, adjudged to be meant to be free tenants in the towne's patent from the Lord Furnivall, shall be defended from paying any tolls for their standing in the markets at the costs and charges of the said towne."

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£3000 for a prime spot in sheffied city center is not expensive, you can paid £60 for a pitch at thorsby market and doesnt include anything.


apparently its £5 a day for an outside pitch in Barnsley :suspect:

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So what should be a fair rent for Sheffield market? Easy to say "That's too much", but nobody is suggesting a realistic amount.


They are currently subsidised by having had no rent increase for a few years (to make up for the lack of money that has been spent on the current building)

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Anything above £500 is surely ridiculous? These markets tend to sell things cheap, how will they make a profit?


The only way they can make a profit is to pass it onto the consumer.


The consumer is hard pressed already by the burden of rent and taxes.


Rent and taxes which have increased by decree of the state.


So are businesses.


This high burden of rent and taxes will thus lead to a folding of businesses and consumers. Administration, job losses, reduced trade, unemployment, repossession, homelessness, poverty, hunger.


This will in turn lead to crime and violence.


And the money won't be collected in the first place. It is akin to economic and social suicide.


The joke is on us. We could have built new markets years ago and reduced unemployment. All we need to do is break a few property laws relating to land and money.


The land is OURS! So we should be able to use it.


Money is supposed to facilitate trade. There should be no monopolies of FIAT, there is and always has been a common standard, FIAT can be used alongside this, but there should not be a monopoly of FIAT.


We should use money as a tool, it should not be a master of us.

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The only way they can make a profit is to pass it onto the consumer.


The consumer is hard pressed already by the burden of rent and taxes.


Rent and taxes which have increased by decree of the state.


So are businesses.


This high burden of rent and taxes will thus lead to a folding of businesses and consumers. Administration, job losses, reduced trade, unemployment, repossession, homelessness, poverty, hunger.


This will in turn lead to crime and violence


Shops pay rent at the market rate without the entire country descending into anarchy - why shouldn't the stalholders? Or should we subsidise the market through taxes (whilst getting shops to pay taxes in full)?

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