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£36k+ per year in rent for a market stall, RIP Sheffield market

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Just out of interest how much is a market stall in the existing market?


It is interesting that councils across the country are quite happy to let store units stand and rot with no tenants rather than yield to market forces, I do hope this isn't going to be a prime example.


I have also noticed posts on this forum from people who didn't want a new market, presumably from existing market traders who probably thought that they would be priced out of their businesses, seems a bit rough if that is the case.


Traders pay around £1250.00 at the moment so its quite an increase. The new market hall will turn out to be one of the biggest white elephants/wastes of money in Sheffield history.


The Moor is hardly an attractive place to shop, the roads into Sheffield are virtually impassable and the parking is overpriced and limited.


It will be stood empty in 18mnths while the idiots who commissioned it hide away picking up their inflated salaries in some ivory tower.

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Traders pay around £1250.00 at the moment so its quite an increase. The new market hall will turn out to be one of the biggest white elephants/wastes of money in Sheffield history.


The Moor is hardly an attractive place to shop, the roads into Sheffield are virtually impassable and the parking is overpriced and limited.


It will be stood empty in 18mnths while the idiots who commissioned it hide away picking up their inflated salaries in some ivory tower.


Can it beat parkhill?


The majority of the first lot of those 'apartments' that cost £160k to clad, have been bought by housing asociation. Not to mention the decade(s?) loss of rent and ctax upon 1000 properties!

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So, you think it's OK to demolish a market place, force those traders to move elsewhere then charge them twice as much rent as they were already paying?




The rent they currently pay is well below normal rates - traders have had real term reductions in their rent to compensate for the fact that they the building is in such a bad state.


The current building needs serious money spending on it to bring it into the 21st century - it appears to be cheaper to move to a new one instead


It is too high, it is too high everywhere, it should be 0


You want free rent for market stalls? Who pays for the upkeep of the building then?


Abandon all licenses and rent, let people trade freely


Trade freely in what buildings? Ones that can be maintained for free?


Should all people live rent free too? Maybe all food should be free too? Sounds lovely. But, in the real world, no chance.

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The rent they currently pay is well below normal rates - traders have had real term reductions in their rent to compensate for the fact that they the building is in such a bad state.


The current building needs serious money spending on it to bring it into the 21st century - it appears to be cheaper to move to a new one instead




You want free rent for market stalls? Who pays for the upkeep of the building then?




Trade freely in what buildings? Ones that can be maintained for free?


Should all people live rent free too? Maybe all food should be free too? Sounds lovely. But, in the real world, no chance.


......but if the new rents are too high for the traders to actually trade and make a living whats the point of building the thing.

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The rent they currently pay is well below normal rates - traders have had real term reductions in their rent to compensate for the fact that they the building is in such a bad state.


The current building needs serious money spending on it to bring it into the 21st century - it appears to be cheaper to move to a new one instead




You want free rent for market stalls? Who pays for the upkeep of the building then?




Trade freely in what buildings? Ones that can be maintained for free?


Should all people live rent free too? Maybe all food should be free too? Sounds lovely. But, in the real world, no chance.


Are you on crack man?


There was never a free-market rent in the first place. Same with the council housing and private housing through state subsidised mortgages.


Thy works thy pays.


Thy works thy pays.


Thy pays over the odds again and again and again.


The building cost jack ****.


It has been paid for many times over.


Market rent?


It should tend toward 0.


We could build build build and trade trade trade.


But we don't, pay more taxes man, more people need dole, you banned them from working in first place.

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Spoken like the greedy. Remind us what business you run so we can avoid it.

99.9% certain that he's never run a business in his life.


Well, maybe run one.... into the ground!


Sheffield City Council look upon all forms of retail as a cash cow they can milk until the teats run dry. If they kill the cow, what do they care?


And they've certainly done a wonderful job, just look at the state of the city centre.


Most of them couldn't run a welk stall if the public sector teat they're suckling from were ever taken away.

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What's the alternative?


The current market is going down the crap pan, something had to be done.


The current market is earmarked for closure. Why would anyone invest?


At the same time, the remaining businesses are being told they will be forced to move at considerable cost and pay higher rent, whilst footfall and trade (and thus profability) is declining along with investment due to aforementioned council policies!


Alternative is free-trade.


It's like growing a plant.


You do not do so in a watertight box sealed underground. You allow it to seed in fertile ground with access to sunlight and water.

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What's the alternative?


The current market is going down the crap pan, something had to be done.


The "something" could have taken into account the current traders revenue agreed a rate with them that suits both parties and built premises within that budget.


The problem with all councillors is that they think they are to high and mighty to actually consult us mere mortals and will waste millions on yet another flight of fancy.


I can see the future headlines already.

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99.9% certain that he's never run a business in his life.


Well, maybe run one.... into the ground!


Sheffield City Council look upon all forms of retail as a cash cow they can milk until the teats run dry. If they kill the cow, what do they care?


And they've certainly done a wonderful job, just look at the state of the city centre.


Most of them couldn't run a welk stall if the public sector teat they're suckling from were ever taken away.


Well said, Sir.:thumbsup:

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