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£36k+ per year in rent for a market stall, RIP Sheffield market

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£3000 a month is £36k per year.


(The big four supermarkets pay nowhere near this amount for such a small amount of space and they have space for free parking too!)

How do you mean? Do you mean proportionally?


Also how do you know?

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Why is SCC so persistent every market hold staller should move anyhow?


So what if its old and a bit rundown, everyone is happy the way it is, its cheap and for many people like me on a tight budget the markets are a life line.

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the roads into Sheffield are virtually impassable and the parking is overpriced and limited.


I really don't know how you think you can justify these statements.


Peak time traffic congestion in Sheffield is not as bad as other major cities and you can get around just fine.


There are massive amounts of parking available in Sheffield, there have been lots of new multi-storey car parks built recently and the rates they charge compare favourably with other major cities.

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Are you on crack man?


There was never a free-market rent in the first place. Same with the council housing and private housing through state subsidised mortgages.


Thy works thy pays.


Thy works thy pays.


Thy pays over the odds again and again and again.


The building cost jack ****.


It has been paid for many times over.


Market rent?


It should tend toward 0.


We could build build build and trade trade trade.


But we don't, pay more taxes man, more people need dole, you banned them from working in first place.


So the rent should be virtually nil? Really?


If we want a market in the city centre we can either have the council provide the building or get a private company to do it (which none seems interested in sorting out...). Either way, the building needs paying for, there's insurance etc, how do you provide that for virtually nothing?

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Why is SCC so persistent every market hold staller should move anyhow?


So what if its old and a bit rundown, everyone is happy the way it is, its cheap and for many people like me on a tight budget the markets are a life line.


The current building is knackered, and very few people go beyond the food part because it's so badly laid out.


You could spend millions on making it accesible/ bringing it into the 21st century, but that would mean closing parts of it for long periods which would mean the stall holders would be out of money. Then any revamp would still have to be paid for through higher rents.



As you'll see from posts on here, there are a number of people in Sheffield (not me) who are put off by the antisocial problems you get in the current location, but will happily use farmers markets etc - a new building will allow the place to get a better reputation

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try and run a business in the real world and pay full market rent and see , instead of having your pitch subsidise by the taxpayer


our shop has never been subsidised by anyone! LMFAO

We are NOT allowed the subsidy, we pay FULL rent because we will not open at 9.00am

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Oh, I forgot to mention the reason we don't open at 9.00am..............we are a fish and chip shop!

And we can't do other things like bacon sarnies from there because the shop is only 10'x10', we don't have the space

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