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Cannabis to be legalized! - Uruguay.

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Will this mean Uruguay will have a huge influx of dole dosers and Jeremy Kyle guests applying to become residents from all the scummy , filth , baby making , benifits grabbing , huge dog wielding estates across England ?
Has Portugal or Canada or Switzerland?
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Why is this post permitted yet a post about legal highs was aborted?Both seem to discuss the merits of drug use and can be read by minors.It seems unlikely that todays youth will bother with something as reactionary and tedious as Sheffield forum!

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Why is this post permitted yet a post about legal highs was aborted?Both seem to discuss the merits of drug use and can be read by minors.It seems unlikely that todays youth will bother with something as reactionary and tedious as Sheffield forum!




I do find it strange that discussions such as mine get closed because it not suitable for a 'family forum' yet other threads that feature in depth discussion about illegal drugs remain open?

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Why is this post permitted yet a post about legal highs was aborted?Both seem to discuss the merits of drug use and can be read by minors.It seems unlikely that todays youth will bother with something as reactionary and tedious as Sheffield forum!


You will of course be told to ask the help desk, who if they ever reply will nebulously say it's covered by the T&Cs but then decline to tell you which term or condition specifically.

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Thats because Mensch - like most politicians - is a hypocritical idiot. How often do we hear this story trotted out?


"I did it and I deeply regret it and didn't enjoy it so I don't think you should do it" These people are lame and they suck and don't know how to party. There are people who manage to have powerful, positive, life affirming experiences because of drug use every weekend, every day even and nothing bad seems to to happen to them but we never get to hear their stories on the news. Why not?

Did you ever consider that the politician is just lying? They probably did enjoy it and don't regret it in the slightest. But having reached a position of power they a) want to keep it and b) want to tell people what they aren't allowed to do.


Its foolish and its wrong to pretend that there can't be a potential upside to drug use in the short term if the user is able to manage themselves properly. Thats where decriminalization which would lead to better education and rehabilitation through taxation would succeed where prohibition has failed. Addiction can't be cured through criminalising the addict. Societal justice is never an answer to curing a problem of vulnerability, you either bring people into the circle or you push them out.


Its tragic that people die and suffer mental illness and trauma because they abuse and misuse drugs but the key words are abuse and misuse. People who use drugs rarely die. There are many levels of drug use in the same way there are many levels of laundry. Uruguay is recognising the subtle differences in its dirty laundry and taking steps to eradicate the differences. It won't win the war you'll never totally win it. There'll always be that guerrilla war and black market you'll never totally remove but Uruguay is at taking positive action for itself.

It's entirely possible to completely destroy the black market. If at a minimum anything physically addictive can be proscribed for free and anything recreational can be bought then there is no profit to be made from the black market and so it withers and disappears.

For example, who would try to push heroin if the state is prepared to provide it for free to anyone identified as an addict by a doctor?

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You will of course be told to ask the help desk, who if they ever reply will nebulously say it's covered by the T&Cs but then decline to tell you which term or condition specifically.


It sounds distinctly Kafkaesque,and last time this occured was in Soviet Russia.

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It sounds distinctly Kafkaesque,and last time this occured was in Soviet Russia.


I don't think that's fair, in Soviet Russia, the helpdesk would just be a front for the secret police who would make any dissidents disappear to the work camps.


You may feel like you're getting ignored when you complain on SF, but that's as bad as it ever gets. More like modern day UK than soviet Russia.

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Did you ever consider that the politician is just lying?


They probably did enjoy it and don't regret it in the slightest. But having reached a position of power they a) want to keep it and b) want to tell people what they aren't allowed to do.

Have I ever considered a politician was lying...


No thats a brand new concept to me :)

It's entirely possible to completely destroy the black market. If at a minimum anything physically addictive can be proscribed for free and anything recreational can be bought then there is no profit to be made from the black market and so it withers and disappears.

For example, who would try to push heroin if the state is prepared to provide it for free to anyone identified as an addict by a doctor?

I don't know but I would be willing to bet in countries where drugs are decriminalised there is still a black market for them. I can't be bothered to look or check. You probably can
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