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Paranormal Land Formations

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I think it's fascinating that they could manufacture a piece of string that long back then, now that's a proper feat of engineering.:hihi:


Actually 'string' made from animal guts and sinews has been used since cave man times.

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Lay off, I am entitled to my views and some of us like to have opened minds about these sorts of things.

May I remind you of your own OP...

From the Nazca lines of Peru to crop circles world wide, what are your opinions of these mysterious anomalies?

You asked for opinions and Jimmy gave his, he then asked a simple and rational question, you seem to have taken offence somehow.

If you are open minded then you shouldn't mind answering him.


If you don't want people's opinions, then you shouldn't ask for them.

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May I remind you of your own OP...


You asked for opinions and Jimmy gave his, he then asked a simple and rational question, you seem to have taken offence somehow.

If you are open minded then you shouldn't mind answering him.


If you don't want people's opinions, then you shouldn't ask for them.


As a posed to getting lambasted myself, I never made any judgements about people here.

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As a posed to getting lambasted myself, I never made any judgements about people here.


Neither did Jimmy. All he did was give his opinion (at your request) and asked a question about yours.

How were you "lambasted" ? :o

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"Hollow Earth theory..."


There's supposedly an entrance to the centre of the earth near the North Pole. Hitler sent an expedition to search for it.


The idea was to find it and turn the Earths magnetic core into a gigantic atomic motor which would be used to convert the planet into a faster than light/time travel capable spaceship from which the Nazis would take over the entire galaxy, if not the universe itself after discovering similar magnetic cores on distant planets.


There are some who maintain that the expedition reached their goal and remained there, living amongst strange creatures long considered extinct and just like the locals, existing entirely on a diet of bananas and nuts.


The expedition never reported back and Hitler ended up shooting himself in a bunker in Berlin, having poisoned his girlfriend about an hour before. Russian troops discovered the bunker and the bodies. A Soviet secret service bulletin remarked that Hitler was wearing only underpants and his left sock. He had also shaved off his moustasche in an attempt to


A suitcase containing a miniature pair of fold up skis and a fleece jacket suggest that up until the last minute, he still considered the possibility of escaping to the Hollow Earth refuge.


Brilliant again.You are on top form.

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The Nazca lines in particular, are wildly accurate and how can you view the designs from a hill or mountain when these lines go on for miles, you would need a pretty good pair of binoculars nowadays to attempt that so god knows how they achieved it back then.


Have you ever seen a Roman Road? They sometimes go on across the landscape for 100s of miles in a straight line. If the Romans could do it, so too could the people who drew the Nazca lines.

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But completely not important to this, the Nazca lines can be seen from nearby hills, flight was not required to make them.



Sorry to be vague here, I can't remember exactly what or where, but I'm sure that I've heard that there are things that were done by ancient people that can only be seen properly from high in the air.

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Sorry to be vague here, I can't remember exactly what or where, but I'm sure that I've heard that there are things that were done by ancient people that can only be seen properly from high in the air.


The Nazca Lines.


The assumption is that the were drawn not for aliens who happened to visit but left no trace, but for the Gods that the Nazca worshipped who happened to live in the sky.


If you look at some of the things humanity has built in order to please it's favoured God of the time, the Nazca lines are but a minor achievement, and relatively simple to accomplish.

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Sorry to be vague here, I can't remember exactly what or where, but I'm sure that I've heard that there are things that were done by ancient people that can only be seen properly from high in the air.


Many ancient civilisations worshipped Gods in the sky, built idols, temples and other artefacts to their glory. The Nazca lines however are thought to have been done through ritual ceremonies and had nothing to do with extraterrestrial Gods.


They suddenly became famous because of Erich Von Danikens book "Chariots of the Gods" which linked them to Gods from space (aliens). But, like everything claimed in his book it was all a load of cobblers.

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The natives found out that eating green bananas makes you throw up like a good un by observing the local primates. Being really clever beggars they decided to warn Aliens visiting the planet by clearing a massive effigy of a monkey throwing up.. Its the civilised thing to do ;)

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