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Football kick-about for the unskilled!

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Hi all,


I was wondering if anybody would like to get together sometime with a couple of people and play a non-competitive game of football just for fun and fitness.


This is for people that aren't as good as everyone else at football. For example, if you were in a team and you thought you weren't as good as other people.


The Pitz (Woodbourn Road) or Goals (Granville Road) would be best for me but I would be willing to travel as long as it's not too far.


Many Thanks.

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  • 2 months later...

Hey there, LukCollins.


If you're still interested in kicking a football around, we play at the Pitz on Wednesday nights and you're welcome to come and have a play. It's not too competetive and we have a range of abilities. We're in it for the kick-about (and a bit of exercise) more than anything else - no aspirations of playing in a lague or anything.


We're looking for new players to bolster numbers.


If you fancy it, we'll be there tomorrow evening from about ten past eight until the lights are turned off. We're usually on pitch 1 (the far corner on the club house side). Come along if you want to see what we're like.



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Hi Bob,


I'm not available to play tomorrow but if you're still playing next Wednesday then I will definitely pop down.


How old is the age group?


Feel free to text me on 07920014849, as I'll probably forget lol.


Many Thanks


Luke Collins

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we are just setting up a 11aside Sat Reserve Team , We had our first training Sesh last sat , and its a case of getting fit and enjoying it for now with the odd friendlys to be played at somepoint, and the hope for nxt season to be in a sat lge. if interested let us know:)

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