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Why do we die at different ages

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i remember some of my friends who died very young, which always gets me thinking why do we die at different ages, is it stress , is it our body organs, is it our diet, is it our exercise, does anyone have an explanation, some of my best friends died at 14 yrs of age

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Because we all live different lives.


We have different living conditions that influence our health, diet, genetics, pollution, stress, accident potential, violent crime, bad habits, etc.


To be honest, your OP question more or less answers itself. It seems an odd question, with so many apparent variable influences. Unless of course, you are a theist and are asking "Why does God let so many people die at a young age?".

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what a stupid question?????


everybodys different, loads of things play a part


dna, genetics, how you live, luck, medical conditions, even where your born can, whether your rich or poor, male or female

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stupid question i lost some of my best friends at 14-16 yrs old what a numpty


ive lost about 20 friends over the years, various ages, the point is, some were medical, some were drink, some were drugs, some were car / bike crashes, theres NOTHING you can put down to why different people die at different times


the youngest was a mate i sat next to at school, he got hit int he stomach by a football and died, he obviously had a medical problem not known about, if he didnt get hit that day would he still be around now? wouldve he died 2, 3 years later?

was it a lack of luck?

bad timing?

or just a medical problem?

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"Stupid" question is a little unfair, but from a philosophical viewpoint it's an unanswerable one.


There are so many things that can cause death, and a lot of them are, to a large extent, random in who they afflict and when. Some people have genetic weaknesses which are never discovered, or are only discovered after death; some die through sheer accident. Diseases take a certain percentage, but which percentage is almost entirely random.

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i got mugged once with a fireaxe, different set of circumstances / luck i couldve died, i managed to talk my way out of it


the missuses brother rolled his car twice, couldve died either time, he didnt, instead he died of cancer over 10 years later


the questions unanswerable

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Why do we dies at different ages?


Because if we all died at the same age we probably wouldn't be able to get insurance cover and the government and businesses would fleece everyone more because they would create policies to maximise profit.

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