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Should Britain leave the EU completely and join in with the US?

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maybe this is not true as I didn't see for myself, but only heard, that the movie Kes, set in South Yorkshire - probably the best film ever, set in South Yorkshire as it is a better film than the Fulll Monty - was shown in the US, they showed it with subtitles.


The US version was in fact fully dubbed; I don't know what American accent would be considered equivalent to "lower working-class Barnsley."

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Do they do good cheese?


I reiterate the question: "What's with this 'House of Normandy'?"


I am very much 'an interested person'. I am a Norman (in that it's my ethnic origin and I come from one of the surviving fragments of the Duchy of Normandy.)


My liege Lord is the Duke of Normandy (We don't bother with 'Duchesses'- the Duchess of Normandy was a ferry - which sank.)


I can be called upon to fight on 3 occasions:


1. To protect the body of my Liege Lord.

2. To protect the family of my Liege Lord.

3. To invade England (Well, we did that once before. ;))


So who is this 'House oF Normandy?'

Is there some sort of 'Usurper' or 'pretender'?


- If you've got some information, please let me know - I've got plans for the next few weeks and it will need to be solved quickly. :hihi:


I think you know fine well that I'm referring to William one and two, Henry one, plus Stephen and Matilda.

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If we are going to be a player on the world stage we need to take the opportunity to reinforce all existing friendships, not to be the one who tries to take sides and causes divisions - that's the sort of attitude that leaves you without any friends.


America is never going to thank us for giving up our influence in Europe.

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maybe this is not true as I didn't see for myself, but only heard, that the movie Kes, set in South Yorkshire - probably the best film ever, set in South Yorkshire as it is a better film than the Fulll Monty - was shown in the US, they showed it with subtitles. They thought that hardly anybody would be able to follow the dialogue.


A movie came out years ago called "Yanks" about American soldiers stationed near a Yorkshire village during WW2. The dialogue was easy enough to understand for an American viewer as the actors who played the civilians didnt march off into the world of the local venacular. The girl who played Richard Gere's lady love was American but her Yorkshire accent was perfect.


One movie I had to re-wind in brief parts a couple of times was the Long Good Friday which was excellent but full of cockney words and expressions

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A movie came out years ago called "Yanks" about American soldiers stationed near a Yorkshire village during WW2. The dialogue was easy enough to understand for an American viewer as the actors who played the civilians didnt march off into the world of the local venacular. The girl who played Richard Gere's lady love was American but her Yorkshire accent was perfect.


One movie I had to re-wind in brief parts a couple of times was the Long Good Friday which was excellent but full of cockney words and expressions


some evidence of taste, Long Good Friday was one of the better British films that there has been. Really good movie. Action packed suspenseful, and almost like in real time, like High Noon.


I saw Yanks (1978), but not a very good movie, despite having major stars in it. The British director, was the same guy that directed Marathon Man, his previous movie only two years before. Much better than Yanks. Marathon Man was very good movie, and together with Long Good Friday, are in the same class as movie thrillers.

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some evidence of taste, Long Good Friday was one of the better British films that there has been. Really good movie. Action packed suspenseful, and almost like in real time, like High Noon.


I saw Yanks (1978), but not a very good movie, despite having major stars in it. The British director, was the same guy that directed Marathon Man, his previous movie only two years before. Much better than Yanks. Marathon Man was very good movie, and together with Long Good Friday, are in the same class as movie thrillers.


Long Good Friday good as it was went off the rails a bit at the end. You dont just gun down IRA leaders and expect to get away with it. Hoskins must have drifted off into la la land- thinking he was a latter day Al Capone


Yanks didnt have very much of an interesting story to it but the English actors with their Yorkshire accents were very understandable to American audiences.


I knew a guy who was a Benny Hill fanatic. Hardly understood two words out of three but he loved the antics

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If we are going to be a player on the world stage we need to take the opportunity to reinforce all existing friendships, not to be the one who tries to take sides and causes divisions - that's the sort of attitude that leaves you without any friends.


America is never going to thank us for giving up our influence in Europe.


Did America ever have an agenda to force Britain to give up it's "influence in Europe" whatever that was supposed to mean? :huh:


If the Uk is not the big key player in Europe now it's because succesive UK governments have let the French and Germans take the lead. The Conservatives mainly were the cause of this - Thatcher in particular

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