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Should Britain leave the EU completely and join in with the US?

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There are some whacky politicians in this fair land most of them Republican lately taken to extremes by the far right tea party.

An elderly lady, a Republican member of Congress was asked about the vote today (largely symbolic) to repeal Obama's health plan.

Her answer was that it should be repealed so 'we can get our freedom back again"

Had to scratch my head a bit on that one until realizing that she and her fellow repubs have been hammering on about freedom being lost because the health plan requires all those who dont have coverage to purchase it .


Well then, lets repeal the other two government social programs, medicare and social Security and hoorahh ! We'll all be truly free :hihi:


I used to be a republican until 20 years ago when i realized after reading a lot of modern American history that the republicans have just about been against everything put forward to improve the social conditions of the every day, ordinary working American. They're about as reactionary as any political party could get


Now we have Romney with all his offshore bank accounts in tax free havens while my wife and I because we earn above average retirement incomes have to declare every last penny and additionally make quarterly payments on top of what is already deducted from our pension checks


I'm betting that Romney will nominate a member of the Tea Party as his Vice-Presidential running mate. The Tea Party dont like Romney much and it's logical that he'll choose a TP in order to ingratiate himself with that lot

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we're in the middle of a period, where the Republicans have just messed everything up for themselves, electorally.


they used to win elections all the time. Now Reagan has gone into the dim and distant past, they struggle to win any.


they genuinely appeal to next to no voters, and don't draw any points from anybody that really has a mass profile, except the white, anglo saxon or european type working class, who are a diminishing force in American politics. They might be 15 points ahead with them, but that won't matter.


it's obvious that the rapidly expanding, and politically organising group, Hispanics, aren't that bothered about the Republicans, who have made no serious attempt to get these vital voters on board.


the Republicans have made some spectacularly dumb political moves in the past 20 years. They've failed to realise, where the country they claim to love, was going. They are about where William Hague and the Tories were, in 2001. They've no chance.


they're going to lose the Presidential election in 2012, an election against a weak, vulnerable incumbent, and a poor President, that they should have won.

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we're in the middle of a period, where the Republicans have just messed everything up for themselves, electorally.


they used to win elections all the time. Now Reagan has gone into the dim and distant past, they struggle to win any.


they genuinely appeal to next to no voters, and don't draw any points from anybody that really has a mass profile, except the white, anglo saxon or european type working class, who are a diminishing force in American politics. They might be 15 points ahead with them, but that won't matter.


it's obvious that the rapidly expanding, and politically organising group, Hispanics, aren't that bothered about the Republicans, who have made no serious attempt to get these vital voters on board.


the Republicans have made some spectacularly dumb political moves in the past 20 years. They've failed to realise, where the country they claim to love, was going. They are about where William Hague and the Tories were, in 2001. They've no chance.


they're going to lose the Presidential election in 2012, an election against a weak, vulnerable incumbent, and a poor President, that they should have won.


I disagree that Obama's a poor president. He came into office with the idea that he could work with the Republican dominated Congress but as Sarah Palin called on her Tea Party comrades "Let's make sure Obama is a one term President" and that took care of that.

I dont remember another President in all the time I've been here who has encountered so much opposition and scarcely veiled hostility from the majority party in Congress. The moronic accusations of not being of American birth and the secret muslim bit we all know about. Nothing is ever said about the mess he inherited from Bush or the bailout that saved hundreds of thousand of jobs across the mid -west rust belt, the exit from Iraq, the build up of troops in afghanistan and the demise of Bin Laden


True the economy is still weak and recovery slow and the jobless rate unsatisfactory but that's a malaise that's generally world wide but what has Romney said that he could do to make it better. He hasnt- because he doesnt have a clue how to deal with it himself. Too many jobs have gone offshore and too much automation has eliminated jobs that were done by hand before. The past mistakes have now caught up with us and there's no silver bullet to solve it

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  • 1 month later...
It is the home of my friend Poppins, though I live in the North, the breadbasket of the state, while she lives in Fairfield County where all the retired movie stars live when they can no longer afford LA.
I knew she really was Jessica Tandy in real life :hihi:

She appears to be horrified by the prospect of a union with the UK. Can't say I blame her.:)

She'd be more horrified by a union between me and her daughter, buck ;)
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I knew she really was Jessica Tandy in real life :hihi:

She'd be more horrified by a union between me and her daughter, buck ;)


Id be more horrified by a union with you and my son :hihi: don't have a daughter..anyhow I live in Fairfield county....so dont talk to me !

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we're in the middle of a period, where the Republicans have just messed everything up for themselves, electorally.


they used to win elections all the time. Now Reagan has gone into the dim and distant past, they struggle to win any.


they genuinely appeal to next to no voters, and don't draw any points from anybody that really has a mass profile, except the white, anglo saxon or european type working class, who are a diminishing force in American politics. They might be 15 points ahead with them, but that won't matter.


it's obvious that the rapidly expanding, and politically organising group, Hispanics, aren't that bothered about the Republicans, who have made no serious attempt to get these vital voters on board.


the Republicans have made some spectacularly dumb political moves in the past 20 years. They've failed to realise, where the country they claim to love, was going. They are about where William Hague and the Tories were, in 2001. They've no chance.


they're going to lose the Presidential election in 2012, an election against a weak, vulnerable incumbent, and a poor President, that they should have won.

Plenty of Hispanics vote Republican.


I think they will win in November. People will vote with their wallets. The Democrats are a busted flush, just like Labour are in this country. They spent far too much time dealing with things that most people couldn't care less about (identity politics) and not enough time dealing with the issue that matters the most (the economy).

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after nine gallic years in the wilds of Quebec, I had the good sense to settle in the jewel of New England, Connecticut. We have stone walls here like the Peak District. We have Manchester, Colchester, Cornwall. We're even close to Sheffield, though its in Massachusetts, the state with the worst drivers in America, and if you blink too long you'll be through it. It is the home of my friend Poppins, though I live in the North, the breadbasket of the state, while she lives in Fairfield County where all the retired movie stars live when they can no longer afford LA. She appears to be horrified by the prospect of a union with the UK. Can't say I blame her.:)


Totally agree. Brits make crap yanks.

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We should leave EU and do it on our own, joining america would mean we would become a terrorist nation with what their been doing in recent years..In an ideal world join Canada, all for them but not america unless we have Jesse ventura on lookout for us...lol

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