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Gas Standing Charge

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I've just received my gas bill for the last quarter and I'm happy to see that I've used no gas at all. On the other hand I'm unhappy to see that the standing charge is £27.


I've had as quick look around the internet for something cheaper, but didn't find anything, I did find a few tariffs with no standing charge, but would that mean that if I didn't use any gas I would have nothing to pay? Surely not?

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Tell us more! - Seriously!


You said: "I did find a few tariffs with no standing charge..."


The people who levy a standing charge do (presumably) have to pay other people to maintain the gas lines to your house. They would (no doubt) argue that the 'standing charge' is there to cover that cost.


If you find a company which can supply you with gas without a standing charge, then presumably they absorb the cost of routine maintenance in the gas tarriff. - For some people (particularly those who don't occupy their houses year round) that may be a good deal.


TANSTAAFL, however.

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I did find a few tariffs with no standing charge, but would that mean that if I didn't use any gas I would have nothing to pay? Surely not?


Scottish Power used to have a tariff where you just paid a (higher) unit charge, and zero standing charge, and you could switch back and forth between that and the standard tariff, on a monthly basis, online.

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From what I recall the tariffs with no standing charge absorb the cost into a higher unit rate for the first x units before reducing the unit charge for the subsequent units... the net effect being you still pay a standing charge in the higher rate... however if you're not using any gas this wouldn't affect you.



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In some cases that might be a good idea.


I have a 'summer home' (May to October) and a 'winter home'(October to May.


I have to pay for water at both.


At my 'summer home' the charge per cubic metre is fairly high - but I only pay for the water I use.


At the other house, I pay £20 a month merely for the privilege of having a water pipe connected to the house (though the connection is turned off while we're away.)


Water - when I use it - is cheaper per cubic meter, but overall it's cheaper [for me] to pay no standing charge and pay a surcharge when I do use water.

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I've looked into this before for both gas and electric.


I found that if you're an "average" or "high" user then you won't find any difference in cost with a Standing Charge or a No Standing Charge tariff - the one with no standing charge simply has a higher unit charge to bump the cost up by the same amount as the standing charge.


The only situation you'll really benefit is if you're under the threshold between Primary and Secondary units, in which case you'd be better off on a No Standing Charge tariff :)

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I've just received my gas bill for the last quarter and I'm happy to see that I've used no gas at all. On the other hand I'm unhappy to see that the standing charge is £27.


I've had as quick look around the internet for something cheaper, but didn't find anything, I did find a few tariffs with no standing charge, but would that mean that if I didn't use any gas I would have nothing to pay? Surely not?


Is it me, or are others amazed that you've used no gas at all? I know there could be 101 reasons for this, but none?


Wish I could get away with using none at all!

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