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Whats wrong with a man showing his emotions?

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There's nothing wrong with a man displaying his emotions in private with his loved ones.


But celebrities crying in public to show how emotional they are is just contrived and pathetic. And yes I do include Andy Murray in that!


How cynical! So what were his motives? :suspect:

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Andy Murray cried at the post match interview yesterday,and many people don't like to see an open display of emotion from a grown man,they think its unmasculine and wimpish. With Murray it has actually had the opposite affect and has made him more endearing to people.


In general isn't this British (or English?) attitude of expecting emotions to be kept under control old fashioned.


The Scots have always been alittle to french, IMHO.

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My other half thinks its "not the done thing" for a man to show emotion, to the extent that, when we nearly lost our daughter (we now know its a she), he became passive aggressive with me as a coping mechanism, waited til I had gone to bed, went in the bath and cried down the phone to his mum. Whilst i'm pleased that he could vent (it was an horrific time) and release his emotions, it saddens me that we did not cry together, after all we both had the 3 days from hell.

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My other half thinks its "not the done thing" for a man to show emotion, to the extent that, when we nearly lost our daughter (we now know its a she), he became passive aggressive with me as a coping mechanism, waited til I had gone to bed, went in the bath and cried down the phone to his mum. Whilst i'm pleased that he could vent (it was an horrific time) and release his emotions, it saddens me that we did not cry together, after all we both had the 3 days from hell.


Not knowing the circumstances its difficult to comment,because that was obviously a painful time for you both,and i hope all is well now.:)

In times of great sorrow and distress i don't really think there is always a man/woman difference,every individual reacts differently and there is usually one person who appears on the surface to be the strong one,kind of taking the lead while others seem to be falling apart.

In general though it does seem as if most men are conditioned to repress their emotions and thats not their fault,as others have stated its a generational thing too,so in that respect much has changed for the better.

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What if the emotion displayed is anger.Do we all accept blokes knocking the proverbial out of each other ?


Shush! don't mention anger,we might start getting some comments about football players/fans. Arn't they the ones that never cry when their team loses a big match.

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