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Chuggers cons revealed!

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I would rather give money to a charity directly than give money to these people who are paid to either stand on Fargate or knock on peoples' doors. I dislike the ones who knock on your door, they can be very pressurising, I had one once questioning my statement that I couldn't afford to commit to £5 a month.

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http://www.lovemoney.com/news/debt/improve-your-finances/10302/5-things-charities-secretly-spend-your-money-on :suspect:


Maybe we should also question why so much money is needed for charities.


Thanks for the link. I will have a look later. How many people actually look at charity accounts before donating? Many Charities trade on their good name, like Save the Chidren, RSPCA and MacMillan and they all use these tactics to get funds. Costs them nothing up front other than some t-shirts and promotional material.

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I haven't personally see anything wrong with what they're doing that have warranted the video in the telegraph. I guess good quality journalism are becoming hard to forge these days. Just a hard up investigative journalist wannabe trying to be a smart ass in covert filming, which I found, quite frankly, worse than the fund-raisers. No one has to donate if they do not want to. In most cases it's mostly the socially inept that finds it difficult to say no not interested when ask to donate to charity. As far as I'm aware of, all money raised also goes to charity. The same argument could be made against TV ads that comes on every 5 minutes or so and no one shouts harassment in those cases. Listen if you can be bothered and if not simply say no, not interested.


So how do the 'chuggers' get paid?

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I haven't personally see anything wrong with what they're doing that have warranted the video in the telegraph. I guess good quality journalism are becoming hard to forge these days. Just a hard up investigative journalist wannabe trying to be a smart ass in covert filming, which I found, quite frankly, worse than the fund-raisers. No one has to donate if they do not want to. In most cases it's mostly the socially inept that finds it difficult to say no not interested when ask to donate to charity. As far as I'm aware of, all money raised also goes to charity. The same argument could be made against TV ads that comes on every 5 minutes or so and no one shouts harassment in those cases. Listen if you can be bothered and if not simply say no, not interested.


You sound like a chugger (I'll let you decide if think it's an insult). I watched a large chap in Worksop stand with his arms wide you two young girls couldn't get past. Is that acceptable ? You are also going along the, in my experiences, unfounded argument that "no thankyou" is sufficient. On quiet days it ain't. They have targets to reach so haranguing me as I walk past them is not uncommon.


I start with a firm no thanks but if and when that isn't enough I'll happily use stronger language. But should I go through that whilst I'm just popping to the bank ? Should old folk be ambushed outside post offices with a purse full of pension money ? I got nobbled the other day trying to get to my house with a bag of chips. Would he stop ? No ! Sod off and leave me alone ! If I want to donate I'll do it without your help thanks.

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Listen if you can be bothered and if not simply say no, not interested.



how about if we want to give to a charity we choose to, NOT be hasseled in the street or at our door going about our own business?

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One of them approached me a couple of weeks ago on The Moor. Usually they just say hi and hope some sad middle aged bloke will stop but this one actually pretended to recognise me.


Her: "Hey! Hi, I know you don't I? Where do I know you from? How are you?"


Me: "No you don't!"


Really, how gullible do they think people are? I suppose it must work on some people though.

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I haven't personally see anything wrong with what they're doing that have warranted the video in the telegraph. I guess good quality journalism are becoming hard to forge these days. Just a hard up investigative journalist wannabe trying to be a smart ass in covert filming, which I found, quite frankly, worse than the fund-raisers. No one has to donate if they do not want to. In most cases it's mostly the socially inept that finds it difficult to say no not interested when ask to donate to charity. As far as I'm aware of, all money raised also goes to charity. The same argument could be made against TV ads that comes on every 5 minutes or so and no one shouts harassment in those cases. Listen if you can be bothered and if not simply say no, not interested.


No, In most cases it's the elderley and the niave who are conned by your sales pitches who are preyed upon.

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The men chuggers never approach me.It's always the nice looking blond girls with big smiles.

I always say 'nope' before the open their gobs..


I had a young scrote come round my house..RSPB. I told him i wasn't interested.He said 'do you really want all the different species of birds to disappear from your garden for ever?'

I said..'why don't you pop round at 5am in the morning and listen to all the noisy little b-----ds' He looked at me,as though i was an alien,and scuttled off.

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Then there are all those begging adverts on TV which pull on the heart strings, you know, starving kids and animals etc. Personally I just blank the chuggers and laugh at those adverts but some people are gullible.

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