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Roswell .. 65 years on.

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If you look back (if you're allowed to see through the curtains) into the 50's and 60's, a lot of 'stuff happened'.


It was - in many ways - a 'magic' time to be alive.


Name dropping bit:


I knew a guy called Tommy Rose. He flew DH9's and SE5A's. - I didnt know of him - I knew him.' A friend. I also knew Alf Tourgis and Albert Simonet and a host of other WWl veterans who spent their days sitting by the War Memorial remembering their friends.


My first Flying Instructor was a gentleman called Wilbur Wright. (No, he wasn't the original - I'm not quite that old. :hihi:)


My next Flying Instructor was Nigel Kemp DFC - One hell of a scary man!


I knew Bob Stanford Tuck, I met Nigel's Squadron commander (Bader) (3 or 4 times) and I flew with (and was taught by) legends. [no more name dropping! :hihi:]


That's the way it was. Life in the 50's and 60's was memorable - my career started quite late in the 60's.


Shortly after I joined the RAF, I flew with "Captain 'V' " - Al Dow (the only person AFAIK) who captained all 3 of the 'V' bombers.


I flew with Al in 1973 on the Vulcan OCU and then - nearly 10 years later - on the Victor OCU.


There are a couple of Vulcan reports of 'unidentified' flying objects. The Vulcan (aged lady though she was) had a host of 'top of the line' passive and active detection systems.


At least one of those reports is absolutely true - and since the other originated from an aircraft which was 10 minutes behind me and I know the crew, they probably weren't lying, either.:hihi:


Roswell was never explained fully. - I knew a USAF Colonel who might have known a bit (my father-in-law) but he wasn't prepared to talk about it.


There can be little doubt that something fell on farmland in Roswell. Whether that which fell was alien, or just something the USAF didn't want people to know about is open to conjecture.


Some of the items discovered at Roswell went to Kirtland, some to LANL.


'The Truth' is 'out there' :hihi::hihi:

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An airline pilot I know (retired) once told me that many year ago, while in flight, a 'craft' pulled up beside him. Very close. He was very concerned, and radioed it in. Air Traffic had no indication that there was anything there. He got a good look at it, and, despite being very au fait with all things aviation, he could not make out what it was. It was like nothing he had ever seen. It then just sped off up in to the sky in the blink of an eye. Nobody would have believed him had it not been that his First Officer had, obviously, witnessed this too. This guy is no joker by any means, and was left somewhat shaken by what he saw.

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don't you think its a bit strange aliens only abduct Americans. I'm not sure what's up their arses that they might find so interesting. Maybe they are looking for those extra calories they claim not to have eaten.


I also find it amusing that they wait until some redneck in a pickup truck is in the middle of nowhere before scaring the bejesus outta him and then letting him loose to tell his friends ensuring he loses any credibilty.


Crop Circles ... I wonder why Aliens just decided that Wiltshire was such a special place that they'd cross thousands of lightyears of space to play sketch-o-graph with a couple of English farmers and their produce ?


And my personal favourite ... if you're trying not to be seen, why place lots of coloured flashing lights on your flying saucer ? The only place you're not going to be noticed is downtown Las Vegas.

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Just looking through some of the papers and notice a couple of them have reported on the fact it's 65 years since the incident. A long serving CIA agent reports seeing the Roswell file at the agency's HQ and says they show it really happened.


I've always had an interest in this subject ... there seems so much evidence to suggest the incident actually happened (little to support the contrary too) and the US tried to cover it all up.

What do you think? :huh:


I think the earth is the asylum for the rest of the Universe.


and Of course they have to check up on us every now and then

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As with all paranormal stories, I find it amazing that in these hi tech times when most people have access to state of the art digital cameras and phones, that no-one has been able to provide conclusive photographic evidence that alien spacecraft exist. All we seem to have as "evidence" is blurred fuzzy photographs and third-hand accounts from friends of friends of airline pilots or secret agents.


If aliens were visiting this planet, we'd have proof!

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