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The Pheasant Inn, Oughtibridge.


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  • 4 months later...

Total joke of a pub.


Went into this pub the other day and there was no one behind the bar, so I waited around for 5 or so minutes but still no one came out. I walked out and waited outside for a bit as I thought he might have been in the kitchen or something, still not really an excuse but no problem. I think actually he was outside chatting to friends and ignoring the bar but not 100% sure.


Anyway, I looked back in a few minutes later and saw the landlord so I went back in, but he was serving someone, slowly, so I waited again at the bar and he clearly saw me waiting but took his time serving the one person. After a bit I leaned over the bar, as I thought surely he's still not serving the same person? No, he had his back to me doing 'paper work' and ignoring me, again. So I walked out saying 'forget it mate'. The blaring out chav and 'gangsta rap' music wasn't exactly welcoming either. Wouldn't mind but we just wanted a quick pint, wouldn't think that would be too much trouble but no.


It was clear that this pub is full of people who know each other, friends of the landlord etc and that 'strangers' are not welcome in this pub at all. The **** Inn over the bridge is much more welcoming and I would recommend this pub over this Pheasant freak show. Avoid.

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I hate to say I told you so " Benedictine " but I told you so.


You should try it on a karaoke night when there's young children screeching down the mike at 10pm when they should be in bed.


The locals boycott it except for an handful that prop the bar up.


What makes me laugh is the liquid chalk [ as we used to call it ] painted on the windows advertising the future " turns "

It's a thing butchers and fishmongers used to do to let you know what they had for sale, but to do it on a pub window . . yuk , how tacky.

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Yes well you were correct, though I only found the thread after. Interesting that the locals boycott it, but I can certainly see why. I wouldn't mind but I only wanted a quick pint after playing tennis in the park down there. Instead we went down to the **** Inn by the bridge.


Perhaps the sign outside should read "No new faces or people with tennis rackets. The friendliest pub in Oughtibridge - FACT."

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  • 3 weeks later...

I dj'd in the Pheasant a few weeks ago doing the dreaded Karaoke.

It was packed with plenty of local Outibridgers all having an excellent time.

A lady, who wasn't local, turned up dressed as a barking mad Elvis and she went round tormenting everyone. The locals all chatted and had a laugh with Elvis and didn't ignore her because she wasn't local.


When I first turned up to see the landlord, as a total stranger, prior to the gig I had a drink with some of the locals. They included me in their conversation and didn't give me the 'you're not from round yonder' attitude.


Perhaps the other poster should have left his tennis racket and kit in the car. Then the locals might not have thought it was rather strange.

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I dj'd in the Pheasant a few weeks ago doing the dreaded Karaoke.

It was packed with plenty of local Outibridgers all having an excellent time.

A lady, who wasn't local, turned up dressed as a barking mad Elvis and she went round tormenting everyone. The locals all chatted and had a laugh with Elvis and didn't ignore her because she wasn't local.


When I first turned up to see the landlord, as a total stranger, prior to the gig I had a drink with some of the locals. They included me in their conversation and didn't give me the 'you're not from round yonder' attitude.


Perhaps the other poster should have left his tennis racket and kit in the car. Then the locals might not have thought it was rather strange.


If you call Wharncliffe Side and Foxhill local then so be it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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