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Spitting in the street, ban or not

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This may cause some cultural difficulties as well, many arabs chew Khat, and naturally, as with chewing gum etc, it mostly just gets spat out on the floor rather than placed in a bin.


I don't see an excuse for that either, with Khat or gum! :suspect:

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As a bye law I can't see this as enforceable and a ridiculous waste of time and money. Everyone should be educated about the effects of spitting at school with posters in public places and leave it at that.


Yes to this. I think posters would have a significant effect as long as they depicted all age groups as all age groups are equally disgusting with this habit.

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Last week I had an occasion where I'd just hoicked up a gobful of phlegm and had to go to the nearest drain and gob it down there, so you've got to make some allowances for people with coughs. Spitting it onto the pavement isn't on though really.


Alternatively some tissue could be used or a handkerchief this then can be disposed in a bin.

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There was a debate on the radio this morning about banning spitting on the street, I'm interested to know how it'll be enforced but what do you think?


I personally think spitting is disgusting and up until a week ago I would have been all for a ban, however there was a scenario last week when I either had to spit or I think I would have been sick, I chose to spit, hypocrite that I am :hihi:



Just stake out the somali community.

They spit like their life depends on it.


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As a premium taxpayer (smoker) I think I have the right to spit.


I inhale all them fumes and convert dangerous gases into phlegm at considerable cost due to taxation.


Non smokers should start smoking and grebbing in the street. If it weren't for them avoiding tax the UK would never ever have had a deficit or built up a debt.


Non smokers caused the financial crisis. They should pay their taxes and greb up highly taxed phlegm. For the sake of the country and it's finances!

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There is no debate, nor is there any cultural excuse.


To the typically British "you can't do that" doubters, of course not everyone who does it will be punished but if a copper sees someone do it then they should be given a ticket the same as can be given for littering.

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