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My Driving Offence court case Dropped due to Incorrect Info on Ticket

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Just on a point of interest. If they wrote the wrong address (house number)details on the ticket. How did they manage to serve you with the summons? :huh:


A traffic summons gets sent to the registered driver and that detail comes from the number plate.:roll:

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Because i sent the slip on the bottom of the ticket back stating i wanted this to be heard by the courts, and i put my CORRECT address on there, so the court summons would come to my house.


Ah. I see. Well I'm pleased you got it right anyway! :hihi: (tin hat at the ready!)

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A traffic summons gets sent to the registered driver and that detail comes from the number plate.:roll:


That might be the case for offences caught on camera but would it be the same for incidents where the police officer had seen proof of the driver's ID? What's a registered driver anyway?

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A few months ago i was given a ticket by the police for parking on zig zag lines near a zebra crossing at 11.30pm outside a 24 hr shop . Ok , before anyone points out the obvious , yes i was guilty ,and yes i commited the offence. But the ticket that was being written out by the copper when i emerged from the shop was full of errors when they had finished speaking to me and taking my details. Even though they had my driving licence in their hand ,the copper still wrote the wrong surname on the ticket ,the wrong house number ,and the wrong postcode ,even though my address was clearly written on my licence.


Anyway , i didnt mention this to the copper , i just drove off and thought im going to opt for going to court over this. So i took that option ,and the court hearing was for tomorrow (11th july). Now i know that the police CANNOT present false/untrue evidence to the courts ,and i was confident the case would be thrown out by the magistrate tomorrow. Anyway , i had a phone call this morning from the CPS informing me they had viewed my case papers this morning ,and because of all the incorrect information the p0olice submitted to them , they were dropping the case ,and no further action will be taken . I was confident it would be dropped ,but the CPS told me the magistrate would have thrown out the case tomorrow anyway ,and they are saving tax payers money by not making me attend court.


So always make sure the info on any traffic/ parking ticket is correct ,as if its not the CPS will drop it.


Im not disputing i commited the offence ,but the fault here lies with sloppy police work when doing the most simple task in filling out a ticket.


Should i have just admitted my guilt and paid the £60 fine and taken 3 pts on my licence ,or was i right in opting to go to court knowing the ticket was full of false details. ?


:headbang::headbang::headbang: I must learn to read all the replies.

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I say you should have taken your punishment like a responsible adult. However I accept that in the UK people generally resent traffic laws and will go to great lengths to avoid following them.


I say fine, let's drop all road laws and become a third world country with scrapheap cars all over the place doing what they want. Fist fights can be used to sort out disputes as insurance is a boring way to spend money too. There will of course be a substantial rise in road deaths from this but that's the price we will pay to lose all these irritating rules.

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