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Sandwich Spreads

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Just had a corned beef sarni with picklelilly and potato salad on, very nice indeed.


What about a chocolate spread sarni with rice crispies on top.


Also, the old roast pork, stuffing and apple sauce can never be underestimated.

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I've gone all coy now. Was that a backhanded complement on my powers of recall? :banana:


Complex lifestyle? Bizarre would be my take on it (oh and that's a complement too :hihi:)


ps. I'm still working on the Birds Custard connundrum. The bonus is, I won't need frames with any depth. So that's a bonus! :hihi:


Yeah ... it was a compliment.


I suggest that we don't talk about the 'Custard Framing Project' on this thread though, as it's not really very pertinent to the 'sandwich spread' type of repartee (If you get my drift ... mods and all that?)


Maybe you could mention it in my Marmite thread? ... I, for one, am practically beside myself with anticipation! :D

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