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Why can't people cut their hedges?

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If birds are nesting, or might be nesting, in the hedges then it's illegal to trim them until after the chicks have all left.


Quite true. I have four sections of hedge - two are neatly trimmed, but the other two have active nests and will have to be left shamefully unkempt until probably September.


A bit inconvenient, but I don't begrudge the birds. I'd rather have them there than not.

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Oh my, don't even get me started on this subject! Someone has complained to the council about my hedges and two other neighbours. Yes, they were slightly over our boundry, but not to an extent that the path was in any blocked. I was raging! Both myself and my husband work full time, we have three small children and I'm pregnant again. Time is severely lacking to get into the garden, but as others have said, the constant rain also hasn't helped! I'd understand if my hedge was blocking the path, I really would, but this was just utterly ridiculous, and I told the guy at the council as much too. Some people really have nothing better to do with their time than complain about other people.

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We need more people like you, I have 5 hedges, big ones.. 5!!! Which are cut every 2/3 weeks. The neighbours cut theirs I cut mine, Its a bit like a competition. Any ideas what I can do with the trimmings once im done, setting fire to them seems like fun..

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