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NEW - Swords of Mercia Historical weapons training group

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My name is Shane Stephen Hill and me and my training partner Luke ireland run and teach at a new group called Swords of Mercia historical weapons training group.


If you or anyone you know is interested in learning medieval combat or in joining a medieval re-enactment group our pages are here.







Training is available on Sundays from 1 till 3 in Barlborough and on Wednesday nights from 8 till 9:30 in Bolsover.

All beginner's start with a wooden single hand arming sword then if the student is 18 or over will progress to a steel sword, sword and sheild, hand and a half sword, great sword and finally at knight level can learn to use pole weapons as well as axes and maces. Sessions cost just £5 and all are welcome!


Here's a short clip of me and Luke doing some semi-competitive sparring with hand and a half swords to give you an idea of what to expect.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoG_fmaHLKg&feature=plcp


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At swords of Mercia we have three weapons technics we train in.


1. Reenactment fighting.


For public displays. To entertain the crowd and make them think we are knocking ten bells out of each other. But at the same time showing skill and technic that even the average joe would like. And have fun.


2. Hema fighting


We attend classes and try to learn all types of past weapons technics. We dip our toe into everything. And have fun:)


3. Swords of Mercia fighting. We teach a cross between roger Lankford fast technic. Mixed with the teachings of David polf. And then a pinch of myself and Luke's ideas.


the group so far enjoy it and hopefully it will carry on developing. And it's fun;)


So for those asking what do swords of Mercia train in.


It's fun time Frankie ;).

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