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Near real-time flood warning info

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As if the Council really took the last flood seriously, why spend real money on something that might happen, and its to others anyway.


We live in a grab it while you can society, with those at the top creaming it off as quick as possible, with millions of excuses, as they inflate their importance, thus hiding their uselessness.


How many MP's have a science degree? Answer just one. The rest have various arts degrees, and thus you know realise why we are and have been ruled by idiots, who know nothing and get information from advisors with agendas. When you need your car fixed do you go to a greengrocer? Well that is how councils and government work as they know sod all about anything practical, as they got Arty-Farty degrees, as they could not hack anything else. Makes theyn feel important.


Why vote for the idiots people do, and why complain when such idiots do nothing, but are brilliant at excuses, which is what ART’s degrees are all about.

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