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Yoga Workshop Sat 21 July only a couple of spaces left

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Hi there friends,


A couple of things you maybe interested in the first one is the yoga workshop below and the second one is a health and well being event called Breathe (please view posting called Breathe).


Yoga Workshop…


There are a couple of spaces left on the workshop outlined below. So if you are interested please drop me a line so that I can save you a space!


Saturday 21 July, 10.45am — 2.15pm, Hagglers Corner, The Light Room, 586 Queens Road, S2 4DU.


£25 waged and £20 concession.


A simple yoga workshop where we will get to explore postures, sequences, breath, flow and deep relaxation in greater depth. The aim will be to focus on particular postures that we find challenging, exploring where the barriers are and how different preps can aid us to develop a deeper understanding of these postures. We will then link the postures into a sequence and end with a very deep yoga nidra.


Yoga equipment will be provided. No experience of yoga is required. The Light Room is a beautiful space and is filled with sunshine in the morning.


Jo has been a student of yoga for 20 years and teaching for nearly 10 years. She is highly trained and will guide you through the workshop gently, with kindness, always ensuring to honour the needs of our bodies. Jo’s teaching style is relaxed, informal and fun.


Some testimonials from previous workshops:


“The workshop flowed from one activity to the next and it was made very clear why we did each phase. By the time we got to the guided meditation at the end, I found myself almost entirely focused. Thanks Jo.” (Counsellor).


“Even though you may have been practising Yoga for a long time, there is always something new to experience and learn at a workshop run by Jo. Her attention to every detail and her enthusiasm and energy ensured that after a very hectic morning, I was left feeling very calm, still and peaceful by 5pm. I would recommend this workshop to anyone who would like to get more out of their Yoga practice and for those who would like to use Yoga in their everyday lives.” (MM)


“I thoroughly enjoyed today’s workshop. Jo is a very experienced and skilled teacher. Her workshops are at a pace everyone can follow, and everyone can achieve. Everything about Jo’s workshops, from the initial warm welcome, the small gifts, all serve to make her workshops wonderful experiences. She has a loving, warm encouraging manner, so even in a roomful of people you feel she is talking personally to you. She has deep intuition so no matter what you are doing in the workshop you feel completely safe; I trust her implicitly. Her careful planning before each workshop ensures she really knows who is attending and what they are capable of doing.” (PW)


Look forward to hearing from you,




07816 540 261


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