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Depressed by rain..

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Just a thought maybe u have the condition called S.A.D seasonal affective disorder. Why not have a word with your doctor i know U.V lighting can help if u need a friend or jus someone to moan to feel free to pm me im friendly and i swear i dont bite ..... well not unless im hungry .:D

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I do understand, everyone at work is fed up too of this awful weather, I feel down about it and I am desperate to wake up and see some sunshine, after all there's only a few more weeks left of 'summer'


Yup, me too. I do find it extremely depressing, I think you know you've had enough when you're swearing at the weather man! I do wonder if I have slight SAD symptoms, I find winter hard going, particularly January. But I think everyone's spirits are lifted by sunshine and blue skies. I think it's also the fact it's not even heavy rain & then some sunshine, it's just relentlessly grey, day after day.


Plus you wonder about the effect on birds & wildlife. How many of them are starving or struggling to survive? Farmers must be suffering, small businesses that are holiday-orientated must be struggling. My garden looks awful - plants are rotting in waterlogged flowerbeds, there's hardly any flowers, the tomatoes won't ripen & the whole house seems to smell of damp - probably all the coats & shoes getting constantly soaked. I really like rain when it's just a few days but this is awful.


PS - We're going to the Olympics too - you do wonder what sort of knock on effect it might have if it really doesn't stop.

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I think you are extremely lucky that the rain is the biggest problem in your life!!!!




I have a job I hate. Can't get another cos of recession that started when Sheff got flooded 5 years ago. No doubt the rain will make it even worse.


I may not be able to retire until I am 65!


I may not get my mortgage paid off for another 16 years!


If the weather isn't spoiling something bl***y traffic jams are!


The cost of living is going up, my wages aren't!


I live in a country that is supposed to be a democracy but isn't!


Public transport is s**t!


Taxation is grossly unfair!


Telesales people are forever phoning me!


I would emigrate but no nation suitable to me is likely to accept me!My favourite sports team haven't won a major trophy for years!



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Water is the basic requirement for life, so let's be grateful for it. A drought would be more depressing.




I have to have my rant here I AM SERIOUSLY fed up whenever we have sun for a few days suddenly there is a load of bull that we are having a drought!!!! and whenever we have sun for a few days suddenly there are news reports that it is the hottest summer since records began!!




my friends in Canada have 6 months straight of baking heat around 30 degrees and there is no drought then they have within weeks minus temperatures and thick snow and ice for 6 months 2 perfect seasons and I might add when it snows and is freezing cold unlike here where everything comes to a standstill and nothing can function despite the fact we should be prepared life in Saskatchewan goes on in the cold and snow.


I agree with the OP here I AM FED UP OF THIS CONSTANT RAIN awful weather we are having, I mean last Thursday was just bizarre in between grey skies and showers and half hours of heat it suddenly started to HAIL massive chunks of hail all the while the sun is shining..


Yes i feel very miserable in the cold and rain and bad weather and long for a bit of summer sun its just awful and maybe the state of things to come..


extract below taken from




"...According to the Japanese Astronomical society, the magnetic shifts in the sun replicate those that occurred during the “little ice age” when the River Thames used to freeze over in London. Their data suggests that the sun is about to enter a period of reduced solar activity/hibernation, even though the exact opposite is meant to be happening, and in accordance with the professional and scientific predictions to date.

Although this is nothing new in terms of the claims that I have been consistently making in regard to our future weather and climate, it is further weighting towards my scientific suggestions and personal methodology. There are also far easier methods of arriving at this conclusion before the release of this scientific information from the Japanese Astronomical society.

These changes have also occurred much earlier than the leading scientists/professional bodies were anticipating.

I published the following information in an update on the 27th February 2012 (several weeks before the release of this information from the Japanese Astronomical society).

“We are now facing such an extremely low period of solar activity over the coming years and decades, due to the strong correlation of historical evidence that I have analysed repeatedly. Furthermore, in some of my earlier posts that date back over the past three years, I have also reported and stressed my concerns that we are heading for a new Dalton/Maunder minimum like scenario. Some recent solar activity indices and the behaviour of the thermosphere could also be a strong indication that this is occurring much sooner than others sources are currently anticipating.”

I have also published/provided the following information on the subsequent dates:

Mr Madden said he believes harsh winters are here to stay. "I think we could be headed towards that," he said. "I believe this is just the start of that cycle." (The Herald Ireland – September and October 2011).

James Madden's winter predictions are based on a change in the sun's activity. “Based on my current research, the UK does need to prepare for much colder winters at present and in the near future, especially if nothing changes in regard to current solar activity levels and the shift of the Gulf Stream.” (Aired BBC One 7:30pm - 6th December 2010)."

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I have a job I hate. Can't get another cos of recession that started when Sheff got flooded 5 years ago. No doubt the rain will make it even worse.


I may not be able to retire until I am 65!


I may not get my mortgage paid off for another 16 years!


If the weather isn't spoiling something bl***y traffic jams are!


The cost of living is going up, my wages aren't!


I live in a country that is supposed to be a democracy but isn't!


Public transport is s**t!


Taxation is grossly unfair!


Telesales people are forever phoning me!


I would emigrate but no nation suitable to me is likely to accept me!My favourite sports team haven't won a major trophy for years!




They wrote

just for you, now cheer up you miserable sod:hihi:
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