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Depressed by rain..

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My grandmother had to go to see a specialist because she'd get a severe pain in her groin whenever it rained. They ended up cutting two inches off the top of her wellies. :hihi:


Just trying to lighten things up.

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This is classic 'white man problems', when your life is so ****ing good you have to make stuff up to bitch about. A lot of people do this...


There was something on TV the other day, where this rich family were on a luxury (probably cost several million dollars) boat, checking it out, considering buying it. They have a family meeting, and decide to buy it, but it means selling the summer house. The daughter is distraught, balling her eyes out.


WTF? You just got a luxury boat, and you're in tears?! Get a sense of perspective, realise all the amazing things you do have, that are totally behind the grasp of billions of people.

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I suspect most people will have grumbled about something which didn't seem that important to someone else sense of perspective. I'd say that in most cases the apparent problem is simply a trigger that caused deeply rooted dormant feelings of frustration and anxiety to manifest, feelings which are probably so deep rooted that most people aren't even consciously aware of them, at least not on an intellectual level.

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some people are so harsh, all the guy is asking for is a few days of sunshine in the summer and everyone is telling him at least hes not starving etc.


And I suppose you'd give a bottle of prozac to everyone who prefers sunshine to rain?

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If it weren't for rain, none of us would be here.


Ask yourself this, would you prefer rainy weather or a drought with little water at all.


Stiff upper lip init, I was walking home the other day and I got **** wet through, I don't mind it, rain running down the old face looking like a wet dog.

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Lately, I have felt very depressed. One or two people have noticed. When asked why I have answered honestly, "I am fed up of the b***** rain". No one can accept I really mean it. And likewise to comments like, "when the weather gets better I too will be better".


I am especially worried as I have spent over £200 on tickets and travel to The Olympic Games in a few weeks time. Will I not be able to get there because of rain fuelled transport disruption? Will London be flooded and have to cancel the events.


I now can't sleep for worrying!


Can anyone help please?


It rains in the UK and always had, people complain when we do not have it and moan when we do.

I live in the north of Scotland an when it rains it is horizontal, but we cope.

To say that you are depressed because of the rain I find strange, get on with it keep taking the tablets it is not worth loosing sleep over.

Have you been flooded, because if you look at those who have lost their homes and possesions that would cause depression, but they pick themselves up and get on with life.

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