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Can't Sleep which is odd !!

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Usually i'm a good sleeper with regular sleep patterns, but on and off for the last few months i'm struggling to fall asleep. I can't come up with a logical reason for this and it is starting to concern me. It is also affecting my work as i'm knackered throughout the day.Even as im typing this i've just spent 5 hours tossing and turning n i've got to be up at 6.30am for work. Wondered if anyone had any suggestions ? No problem if not, i just fancied a moan really, tho i am finding it a bit odd.:huh:

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well, there's not a lot to go on there, but I'd suggest that you might benefit from some good old fashioned exercise, even if it's only a really brisk walk - though swimming, martial arts or aerobics are probably better

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well, there's not a lot to go on there, but I'd suggest that you might benefit from some good old fashioned exercise, even if it's only a really brisk walk - though swimming, martial arts or aerobics are probably better


I'd agree - sometimes when you get too used to a pattern or routine, mixing it up a little (especially with something tiring like exercise) can be just what;'s needed to send to you straight to sleep!!


Also stay away from caffine and sweet things after 9pm (ish) as they really get in the way of a good nights sleep!! :)

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I find due to the starfish i married i have no choice but to sleep right on the edge of the bed :(


Give me a starfish over a windmill anyday.:hihi:


Seriously though, exercise, a warm bath before bed, a lavender spray in the bedroom, and visualisation exercises. Music works for me too.

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