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Islamic Clerics Call on Egypt to Destroy Great Pyramids

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They ("they" being another set of extreme Muslim nutters) have turned over a couple UN heritage sites at Timbuktu. Made the news but little else.


If they do knock em down I wonder if a stargate is under one them :hihi:

Hopefully, they'll all walk through it! :hihi:
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I'm sorry but this Arab Spring, as it's been coined, is the road to disaster. They all purportedly want democracy, but each tribe or sect only want that for themselves, they don't want to share it with their neighbour or next tribe. Some places in the world need to ruled with not so much a dictator, but someone very strong who can keep the factions from destroying one another.


You only have to look at Libya, Syria, Egypt and probably a few others. Basically it's every tribe for himself, and slowly but surely, they will descend into civil war and spend a lifetime killing one another in search of 'their' brand of democracy which is never going to happen.


I suppose there is the school of thought whereby, if they're killing one another then that detract from their mission to want to kill us lot!


It will all end in tears for them, and probably us too!


As for destroying the pyramids, that would be pure lunacy, but nothing I don't think they're capable of in some kind of lunatic ideology.

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Ditto. A friend of mine did a charity bike ride along the banks opf the nile, she had stones chucked at her several times presumably because she wasn't snaggled up in a burqua.


Best thing the secular Egyptians could do is move south of Aswan then tell the beardo wierdos that the aswan high dam is an actually a temple to Hot-Coq the ancient egyptian god of bum-sex. Then watch while they blow it to bits and destroy everything north of the dam in the process.

Excellent idea! :hihi:
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