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Make Em Laugh !

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One freezing cold winter morning in the 80s on my run for Fletchers Bakeries my vanlad and I turned onto Cricket Inn Road off Eastbank Road,coming towards us was one of our other wagons so we pulled over to the right hand side of the road to stop for a natter.Everyone jumped out of the vans myself being the last,the road was thick with ice as I landed my feet shot from under me and I hit the deck like a sack of spuds.I hurt my side goodstyle I tried to rise but slipped again this time down a steep concrete slope sliding forwards trying to slow down with my hands which was shaved of most of the skin on em,I didn,t know what to rub first I was in agony.I was covered in muck,as I looked up all my pals were in hysterics braying like jackasses if I could have moved I would have killed em all,but I had to admit it was very funny"for them"you could not have rehearsed it it happened so quickly!Anyway it gave em a laugh!!:hihi::hihi:

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