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G4S cant secure Olympics

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So they change their name to S4E or 34S and start again.


Where's Tony when you need him to tell everyone that the Private sector is intrinsically better and more cost effective than the public sector...except of course when they fluck up and have to be bailed out by the government.


This isn't a political point, because all parties want to shed costs by getting private companies to run services...but the profit motive will always mean that money is diverted from service to profit. It's the nature of the beast. And when they fail (railways, breast implants, olympic security) they get the security blanket of the public sector.


100% correct.


So, GS4 apologised yesterday, great. What will the government's response be? To hand over the total privatisation of our police force to them over the next couple of years, that's what.


A4E, G4S, ATOS, blah, blah, there's a common denominator here. While ever we allow companies to provide public services for great profit, we cannot possibly get value for money. It's only logic. And how are they punished by the government for their immoral actions? They're not, they're rewarded by more contracts and taxpayers' hard-earned. What will our government do to stop this bankrolling? Nothing at all - I'm afraid there are too many clashes of interest to expect anything less.

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100% correct.


So, GS4 apologised yesterday, great. What will the government's response be? To hand over the total privatisation of our police force to them over the next couple of years, that's what.


A4E, G4S, ATOS, blah, blah, there's a common denominator here. While ever we allow companies to provide public services for great profit, we cannot possibly get value for money. It's only logic. And how are they punished by the government for their immoral actions? They're not, they're rewarded by more contracts and taxpayers' hard-earned. What will our government do to stop this bankrolling? Nothing at all - I'm afraid there are too many clashes of interest to expect anything less.


Privatisation of the public welfare services, i.e. those necessary to maintain functionality e.g. school, fire service, the police, post office staff, public transport or whatever, has always resulted in longer waiting/processing times, shoddy services/goods and such as businesses look to cut corners to save ever more money and make bigger profits.

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Like who, Shaun Doyle? G4S are reputable, the problem is in the tendering process and the fact that Governments/councils etc will always want a cheap option - even if it all goes tits up and they need to be bailed out afterwards.


I have no interest financial or otherwise with Shaun Doyle I have however seen them at Barnsley FC and always thought them competent.


I see from their website they are inspected by the National Security Inspectorate and are graded quite highly. Also Constant are a South Yorks based company which according to "Infologue" are rated amongst the highest in the industry.


Why dont local Football clubs and local councils use local companies. Particularly if they have good reputations?

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Privatisation of the public welfare services, i.e. those necessary to maintain functionality e.g. school, fire service, the police, post office staff, public transport or whatever, has always resulted in longer waiting/processing times, shoddy services/goods and such as businesses look to cut corners to save ever more money and make bigger profits.


Again you argue Private= bad Public = Good.


We should adopt the best of both. NHS, Police, social welfare have a very mixed history.


Small and medium sized regionally based companies generally give much better service than these huge conglomerates.


Public is good, most of the time, Private is good, most of the time.

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Again you argue Private= bad Public = Good.


We should adopt the best of both. NHS, Police, social welfare have a very mixed history.


Small and medium sized regionally based companies generally give much better service than these huge conglomerates.


Public is good, most of the time, Private is good, most of the time.


Now come on, that sort of measured sensible response is exactly what isn't needed on here.


Pick an extreme view and defend it to the hilt !!!! ;););)

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Again you argue Private= bad Public = Good.


We should adopt the best of both. NHS, Police, social welfare have a very mixed history.


Small and medium sized regionally based companies generally give much better service than these huge conglomerates.


Public is good, most of the time, Private is good, most of the time.


I agree.


I think looking to the future, size of companies & more co-operatives are a basis of business we should be working on. The old Monopolies & Mergers now Competition Commission really need to pull their socks up. Allowing companies to have more than 10% of any market is a license to abuse the customer, and many examples spring to mind, finance, energy even transport. They become to big to fail and inevitably the tax payer picks up the problems.


Smaller companies tend to look after their staff, manage their finances & customers better. Local government need to start relooking at how they tender their services and stop giving big deals out, and look at breaking them up and making more smaller deals.


Thats my two pennies worth. :)

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Again you argue Private= bad Public = Good.


We should adopt the best of both. NHS, Police, social welfare have a very mixed history.


Small and medium sized regionally based companies generally give much better service than these huge conglomerates.


Public is good, most of the time, Private is good, most of the time.


No, I'm not saying that at all, I'm saying necessary services should not be run for profit. I'm not against businesses making profit but I am against businesses making obscene profit. I am also against private businesses using state tax money and staff.

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