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G4S cant secure Olympics

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Offer their services would have been a more suitable phrase than volunteer.


My bad.


Please forgive. Please.


Pretty please?


Gooo on then.;)


I wonder why, when your mate is expected to pay his accommodation/travel costs, etc, that the money offered kept going down. Other than serious incompetence, OR that they simply had lots more people apply than they anticipated, but if that was the case, then surely they'd have filled the 10,000 posts.


Could it be that they were relying on getting the unemployed to do it for nothing again but after the publicity from the Jubilee fiasco they haven't had the interest they anticpated?



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Isn't it strange that even in this econnomy, a security company can't find people who want to get involved for money.

Shame on all the unemployed and unmotevated lot. Shame.


G4S can find the people but hasn't because it wanted to maximise its profits. They've left it too late to train people,hence the shortfall. Shame on a bigot like you for blaming the unemployed when the fault is due to the greed and incompetence of G4S.

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The Sydney Olympics were staffed by thousands of Volunteers. They were all proud and excited to to involved in something so amazing.

Isn't it strange that even in this econnomy, a security company can't find people who want to get involved for money.

Shame on all the unemployed and unmotevated lot. Shame.


I take it you're the only person in the country who doesn't know how the unemployed volunteers got treated for their pains during the Jubilee?


Shame on the greedy on the make again, you mean. With the ammount that has been taken out of the public coffers, everyone involved should be on a decent wage.


If they are taking 300million out of the public coffers, and can't afford to pay 10,000 guards an attractive enough wage out of that, then something is seriously wrong somewhere.

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What a shock, G4S have admitted they cannot supply suficient staff to secure Olympics. As a result the Army will have to make up the slack.


What a crap company they are. Good enough for Sheff U and Rotherham though.


Should pay them a decent wage.............

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G4S can find the people but hasn't because it wanted to maximise its profits. They've left it too late to train people,hence the shortfall. Shame on a bigot like you for blaming the unemployed when the fault is due to the greed and incompetence of G4S.


G4S has had the contract for three years, surely enough time to recruit and train?

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G4S can find the people but hasn't because it wanted to maximise its profits. They've left it too late to train people,hence the shortfall. Shame on a bigot like you for blaming the unemployed when the fault is due to the greed and incompetence of G4S.


And to rub salt into the wounds 3,5000 troops are drafted in when they're are being cut by at least £20,000

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Wonder who G4S/government would have used if all the forces personnel who the government are getting rid of had already lost their jobs before the Olympics - who would they have turned to then?


I personally think it quite appalling how a company can win a contract and not fulfill their commitments and have to have the armed forces come in to bail them out and yet will I expect STILL get paid whatever money they have said they can do the work for (which, they have proved, they can't!).


How can that be right?


I think there has to be some backhanders somewhere here!


Or am I totally off the boil and missing something here?

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No you are not missing something, you are right, its a bloody disgrace.


Wonder who G4S/government would have used if all the forces personnel who the government are getting rid of had already lost their jobs before the Olympics - who would they have turned to then?


I personally think it quite appalling how a company can win a contract and not fulfill their commitments and have to have the armed forces come in to bail them out and yet will I expect STILL get paid whatever money they have said they can do the work for (which, they have proved, they can't!).


How can that be right?


I think there has to be some backhanders somewhere here!


Or am I totally off the boil and missing something here?

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Wonder who G4S/government would have used if all the forces personnel who the government are getting rid of had already lost their jobs before the Olympics - who would they have turned to then?


Most of those sacked servicemen still have a reserve commitment - the government could've called them up.


I personally think it quite appalling how a company can win a contract and not fulfill their commitments and have to have the armed forces come in to bail them out and yet will I expect STILL get paid whatever money they have said they can do the work for (which, they have proved, they can't!).


How can that be right?


It isn't. - But it's up to the government to sue ... and they tend not to do that [irrespective of which party is in power.] The people have no say. - You had your say at the general election! Sit back, shut up and suck it up! You are now ruled by the party.


I think there has to be some backhanders somewhere here!


Or am I totally off the boil and missing something here?


Well, I'm missing mine!

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