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G4S cant secure Olympics

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It isn't. - But it's up to the government to sue ... and they tend not to do that [irrespective of which party is in power.] The people have no say. - You had your say at the general election! Sit back, shut up and suck it up! You are now ruled by the party.




Yes I did have my say but I DIDN'T say I wanted this lot in but am stuck with it ........... roll on the next general election when hopefully more people will have come to their senses and VOTED THIS LOT OUT!!!!!

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It isn't. - But it's up to the government to sue ... and they tend not to do that [irrespective of which party is in power.] The people have no say. - You had your say at the general election! Sit back, shut up and suck it up! You are now ruled by the party.




Yes I did have my say but I DIDN'T say I wanted this lot in but am stuck with it ........... roll on the next general election when hopefully more people will have come to their senses and VOTED THIS LOT OUT!!!!!


The government should sue, absolutely it should. They've been paid for a job they cant do - refunds all round. Im not sure why the Tories are just carrying the can on this, labour booked the gig and in all honesty as g4s are the biggest on the block anyway, labour (or anyone else) would have offered them the same job with similar terms. without a doubt with the money dished out they should have been able to solve this contract with cash to spare.


Best of all the are co- ordinating this shambles. That's a lot of tin cans and string.....

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Wonder who G4S/government would have used if all the forces personnel who the government are getting rid of had already lost their jobs before the Olympics - who would they have turned to then?


I personally think it quite appalling how a company can win a contract and not fulfill their commitments and have to have the armed forces come in to bail them out and yet will I expect STILL get paid whatever money they have said they can do the work for (which, they have proved, they can't!).


How can that be right?


I think there has to be some backhanders somewhere here!


Or am I totally off the boil and missing something here?


Course you're not missing anything. This is how the UK is run nowadays - incompetence and corruption. And, as one or two have suggested, can you imagine the ****-up if we just took people off the dole queue and expected them to turn into 'security' (with a couple of weeks training.)


The crime is that companies like G4S got the contract in the first place. Who's in charge of parking? Excel? And who will be giving 'job advice' when the volunteers are finished? A4e?


Still, I'm glad Jowell/Coe told us it would only cost £2.37Bn. Or should that be £24Bn. That's got to be worth an honour...

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Yes I did have my say but I DIDN'T say I wanted this lot in but am stuck with it ........... roll on the next general election when hopefully more people will have come to their senses and VOTED THIS LOT OUT!!!!!


but as tinfoilhat rightly says:


The government should sue, absolutely it should. They've been paid for a job they cant do - refunds all round. Im not sure why the Tories are just carrying the can on this, labour booked the gig and in all honesty as g4s are the biggest on the block anyway, labour (or anyone else) would have offered them the same job with similar terms.


When will people realise that while people bicker about Labour/Tory/LibDems, they are getting away with it!


This ****-up could have been foreseen but our out-of-their-depth politicians are ruining this country.


Even the smallest construction or engineering project requires somebody to 'sign off' on a contract. If it goes wrong, they're out. With politicians, they blame the crap company they awarded the contract to, if it goes wrong they throw more of our money at it and get included in the New Years' Honours List.


Back home in time for tea and medals...

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It's the same old story, the government cuts the civil service and contracts private firms which are ill equipped to do the job, have little training and always balls everything up which ultimately costs everyone more. This is why waiting lists and processing times get so long. Worst of all, these private companies can't manage the workload, probably by not hiring enough staff to keep profits at a maximum, so they run cap-in-hand to the public purse anyway; look at BUPA sending patients to the NHS.

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What should happen is that the Armed Forces should bill G4S for every soldier that has to work at the Olympics. This bill should include the costs of wages, accomodation, travel, training and a contribution towards uniform, equipment, admin costs etc. £1500 per man per day should cover it.

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What should happen is that the Armed Forces should bill G4S for every soldier that has to work at the Olympics. This bill should include the costs of wages, accomodation, travel, training and a contribution towards uniform, equipment, admin costs etc. £1500 per man per day should cover it.


Not really. I think most servicemen and women are just going to barracks closer to London in coaches etc they already own. I don't think it's going to cost them that much more than it would normally cost.


That said, cancelling leave is completely unacceptable to cover a glorified sports day because a private company can't get staff. IN A RECESSION !!

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To be fair, the public sector is no better.


It now appears that the Immigration authorities have managed to recruit a bunch of Muppets.


A (very) junior minister was on the radio this morning and said that the temporary morons that they’ve employed for the Olympics were letting people in as EU citizens even though they had come from Algeria.


But in their defence, this oxygen-thief did say that it was “understandable, because Algeria sounds European, but it was totally unacceptable to let the guy in from Bangladesh!”

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