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How can I buy milk to support farmers?

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Ignoring the 'all animal products are baaad mmkay' brigade - I am told that supermarket wise Sainsburys, Waitrose and M&S are the best to buy from. Other than that see where the farmer's get their milk from?


Also - what do all you 'animal activists' think will happen to all the dairy herds if the farmers go under?

And not all farmers are rich, if I recall correctly those with money tend to be the ones that have hisotircally had large swathes of family land that they rent to people to farm... Most farmers struggle these days - especially with the incessant demand for seasonal produce year round.


They'll end up where they were going anyway- just a bit sooner. Some might argue a welcome release from the constant cycle of forced pregnancy followed by grieving for their lost baby.

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Well, as a human, and, therefore, omnivore, dairy, as well as meat, is part of my diet (albeit a small part). Seeing as though we are neither predators, nor scavengers, do you propose that all humans are vegan? Gosh, that would change the face of both the human and animal world as we know it.


You conduct your life as you see fit, enjoy the food you like to eat and drink, no one's asking you to change but it doesn't hurt to learn does it and that way we can make informed decisions rather than blah blah blah on about our vegan counterparts.


Giving up milk is unlikely to make an immense difference on mankind other than those that produce it for a living.

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It's not a blah, blah, blah. It's a genuine question. I have not qualms about vegans. Why would I have an opinion about what someone else does and doesn not eat? You have misread that entirely to hold hostile intent. I am curious as to how the deficiency of milk, indeed dairy, in our diets would, over time, change how we are as humans if the entire planet was vegan.

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It's not a blah, blah, blah. It's a genuine question. I have not qualms about vegans. Why would I have an opinion about what someone else does and doesn not eat? You have misread that entirely to hold hostile intent. I am curious as to how the deficiency of milk, indeed dairy, in our diets would, over time, change how we are as humans if the entire planet was vegan.


I never read it as hostile neither did I respond in that fashion.


For all the goodness that exists in dairy produce it would stand to make little difference on man over time, likewise meat. There are generations that live long and healthy lives on vegetarian/vegan diets. Perhaps the only time that a defficiency of milk would cause a problem would be in infants and this can be synthesised. Once weaned off the stuff there is no need to continue to drink it. We're the only animal that does this. Clever advertising many moons ago convinced us of it's essential role in our continual growth.

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I never read it as hostile neither did I respond in that fashion.


For all the goodness that exists in dairy produce it would stand to make little difference on man over time, likewise meat. There are generations that live long and healthy lives on vegetarian/vegan diets. Perhaps the only time that a defficiency of milk would cause a problem would be in infants and this can be synthesised. Once weaned off the stuff there is no need to continue to drink it. We're the only animal that does this. Clever advertising many moons ago convinced us of it's essential role in our continual growth.


Except for prevention of dieases... such as Rickets!

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Calcium can be obtained from other sources apart from milk and a vitamin D defficiency is the main culprit, like I said before, marketing is responsible for the belief we need milk in our diet.


I need milk in my diet, what else could I dip my digestive in other than a nice ice cold pint of cravendale!!Mmmmmmmmmm

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