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How can I buy milk to support farmers?

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Where else do we get calcium? What food is it in other than dairy? I honestly don't know. If we are talking about replacing with 'synthetic' supplements, (as I call them) then surely we NEED the original item. No? I think our population would fall massively if the whole world turned vegan...but then again, in this current climate, maybe that's not a bad thing.


To be fair goat's milk is much better for starters, and although milk has benefits, it's something we can live without.

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It's not a blah, blah, blah. It's a genuine question. I have not qualms about vegans. Why would I have an opinion about what someone else does and doesn not eat? You have misread that entirely to hold hostile intent. I am curious as to how the deficiency of milk, indeed dairy, in our diets would, over time, change how we are as humans if the entire planet was vegan.


we definitely didn't evolve on cows milk! we evolved on human milk and then a mainly vegan diet of berries, nuts and roots (thats the gatherer part of hunter gatherer). We got meat occasionally. We now eat far, far too much meat and far, far too much dairy!


and far too much weird food made by dow etc

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I have a cousin who was a dairy farmer, always complaining about costs and that they were skint and then they sold up for millions!


Why would a farmers produce milk at a loss? If they did then their enterprise would soon go bankrupt. Several years ago they were dumping it as a protest instead of selling so it shows that they can afford to cover the costs.


Like any other business if you cant make a profit then stop trading, but I doubt that's the case otherwise they would have done that previously in their earlier disputes.

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That Our Cow Molly article (link above) suggests it's the Supermarkets fault, yet in the news the farmers are blaming (and blockading) the milk processing plants. So who is to blame? Maybe the supermarkets put pressure on the processing plants to sell it them cheaper I dunno??

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Who's to blame, anyone but the farmers according to them.


This is the second attempt by the farmers to get the price paid to them raised in around 4 years. Last time the farmers union was also stating that farmers would be going bankrupt if the pricing did not change. Last time they were also dumping milk down the drain instead of selling it so it shows that that they can also afford to be stupid.


Its the same farmers union and the same farmers that are now stating the same, so much for the mass bankruptcies that were predicted before.




As the above suggests, perhaps some of them need to quit.

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One thing I don't understand about this is if it was any other section of society protesting/blockading to protect whats left of their liveliehoods the police would be wading in cracking skulls cheered on no doubt by the usual suspects on this forum,whats different in this instance?

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