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Whatever happened to the "savage cuts"?

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If the country wants to get back onto its feet it needs to get serious


  • Slash welfare - 6k per year maximum
  • Cut funding for drug addicts and people who spend their dole money in weatherspoons
  • First 2 kids only to be paid for, any more the man goes out to work
  • Slash foregn aid


and then


  • Up the minimum wage
  • take all our troops out of foregn lands
  • Divert all the funding from foregn aid to care for the elderly



for starters


Let's hope Cameron has balls to do it. It may be a right to have as many kids as you like, but it is not a human right to receive money for them. Money for two children is sufficient. You choose to have more kids, you pay for them. And, yes, where else has a welfare state as abused as ours. It's a joke. People travel from afar to get on that bandwagon! Time for some radical change. Time to reduce foreign aid. Haven't we got enough that needs sorting at home?


You speak wise words.

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Pension annuities have fallen by 25% since 2008.


That's a pretty big drop, especially when you didn't have much in the first place.

You probably won't have taken any notice unless you're over 55.


Not to mention retirement age going up (projections suggest it will have to go up to 77yrs by 2030)


People tend not to notice what doesn't affect them directly, but it will..it will....

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Tell that to the people that will have either lost their jobs or, are about to they don't have parties you know to announce people being thrown on scrapheap.


Has unemployment actually gone up much since "the savage cuts" were implemented?

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For months now the left wing media has been going on about "savage cuts", about how public services are going to be slashed to the bone and no one will be able to do anything or go anywhere.


Yet in the real world, like most people I haven't noticed any fall in the level of public services. I can still get a bus, train or tram to work, my bin gets emptied as frequently as before, the streetlights still work, I can still go to the library or visit the park when I choose. And in the wider world, if I fall ill I can still see a doctor or be taken to hospital if I have a serious accident. And if I had children they would receive free education at the state's expense.


Is it time to acknowledge that the media's been making a bug fuss about nothing? Has anyone seen any evidence of the "savage cuts"?



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For months now the left wing media has been going on about "savage cuts", about how public services are going to be slashed to the bone and no one will be able to do anything or go anywhere.


Yet in the real world, like most people I haven't noticed any fall in the level of public services. I can still get a bus, train or tram to work, my bin gets emptied as frequently as before, the streetlights still work, I can still go to the library or visit the park when I choose. And in the wider world, if I fall ill I can still see a doctor or be taken to hospital if I have a serious accident. And if I had children they would receive free education at the state's expense.


Is it time to acknowledge that the media's been making a bug fuss about nothing? Has anyone seen any evidence of the "savage cuts"?

Not really!..............but my bins are soon to be emptied fortnightly.Another unfortunate ill thought out Labour decision that will not make an iota of difference to the planet or our council tax,but will help maintain public sector pensions somewhere along the line!
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Please indicate whether you do or don't want to see public money spent as efficiently as possible so that we in turn pay less tax.


Of course I would, but you and I both know paying less tax is never going to happen! They'll just find another way to waste whatever we pay. That's the way it works. It's a false hope to even imagine efficiencies equate to paying less tax!

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Of course I would, but you and I both know paying less tax is never going to happen! They'll just find another way to waste whatever we pay. That's the way it works. It's a false hope to even imagine efficiencies equate to paying less tax!


Yes, this is my point that governments in general waste most of the money they collect in taxes, so surely a more efficient government that makes cuts is actually a good thing.


Regardless of who you blame for the recession, we have to accept that no government can pay out more money than it brings in in the long term so cutting services and jobs that are no longer needed makes sense.

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