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Sport makers Olympic legacy

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I have just had a great afternoon on a “Sport makers” seminar. I met some great people who share a similar interest in making sport happen in the community. They even give you an addias bag and polo shirt for attending. Simply go to their website and book a place on a course and best of all its free




Whether it’s planning the route, finding the pitch or encouraging people to take part – sport doesn’t just happen, it needs people to make it happen. Become one of 40,000 Sport Makers and you’ll not only get the skills, knowledge and opportunities you need to get more people playing sport, you’ll become part of the official London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic sports legacy.

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I have just had a great afternoon on a “Sport makers” seminar. I met some great people who share a similar interest in making sport happen in the community. They even give you an addias bag and polo shirt for attending. Simply go to their website and book a place on a course and best of all its free




Whether it’s planning the route, finding the pitch or encouraging people to take part – sport doesn’t just happen, it needs people to make it happen. Become one of 40,000 Sport Makers and you’ll not only get the skills, knowledge and opportunities you need to get more people playing sport, you’ll become part of the official London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic sports legacy.


I'm sorry but are you having a laugh? This organisation aims to get people to organise 'a kick around with their mates'. How much is this organisation receiving?


There are people up and down this country promoting sport but receive no help whatsoever - I am starting to doubt this whole Olympic legacy.

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Does anyone fancy a game of SPOT?


Remember that game from the 1980s we used to play at School, only thing we need is one football and one wall.


I'm willing to share money with anyone who joins for a game, we set a game up, get the cash, and share it out between us. Better than working :hihi::hihi::D

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Got to love some people, “There are people up and down the country organising this and that with no help” help is what they are offering. Organise a game of spot and get people to pay for the privilege, great idea I will help and I have some great ideas from the seminar

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure yet, I already run sessions in Taekwondo. It would have been good to have been on one of these courses first, I might not have made so many mistakes. I have been invited to attend a free NVQ qualification they are offering.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The Olympic Legacy will depend on enthusiastic people who want to make a difference and have been inspired by London 2012. Sport Makers provides free events for people who want to make a difference, gives ideas and support for people who don't know where to start.


Visit www.sportmakers.co.uk for more information and to get involved

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