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The amount of toddlers/unders 5s out at night on streets and supermarkets

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It would be a lot easier if my kids didn't have to share a bedroom. As it stands, 3 year old won't go to bed alone. 8 year old won't go to bed too early. I think about 9.30 is ok for an 8 year old myself. However, with it being summer and light at night, the 3 year old still thinks its playtime at 9.30. If I try to put her to bed, shes still bouncing off the walls and trying to play, keeping her sister up, and then I'll hear the eldest crying her eyes out in frustration with not being able to sleep. So, I find a happy medium is about 10-10.30pm. Not too late for the eldest, middle child accepts its dark, and its bedtime, and although she still doesn't go straight to sleep, she will watch a DVD quietly until shes ready.


LL........there is quite a bit of evidence which suggests that not getting enough sleep in itself induces the type of "hypersness" you are describing. Non of your children seem to be sleeping well and in time this could really affect their schooling and overall well being (eg not getting enough sleep has been linked to obesity).


Both your 3 and 8 year old "ought" to be sleeping for 10-12 hours per night if you are happy with current arrangement's that's obviously fine but there are sleep courses that are run in Sheffield which help parents and which may be of interest to you......... it will mean a few weeks of really hard work. (the first thing you will be advised is to stop them falling asleep over a DVD!)

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Tried the no DVD thing tonight actually. Both in bed at 9, the 3 year old tantrummed and trashed the bedroom instead :hihi: she goes a bit psycho and strips the beds off and screams. Left her half hour or so doing it, then bought her down so eldest can get to sleep. Shes still laid on the sofa as we speak... "Mum...can I have a drink? Mum can I have an ice lolly? Mum can I have can I have Can I have?"


She'll be awake for a while yet too. Shes bloody terrible! Can't wait to move and give them their own rooms so this little sod can watch a DVD while the well behaved older one gets some kip :hihi:

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Tried the no DVD thing tonight actually. Both in bed at 9, the 3 year old tantrummed and trashed the bedroom instead :hihi: she goes a bit psycho and strips the beds off and screams. Left her half hour or so doing it, then bought her down so eldest can get to sleep. Shes still laid on the sofa as we speak... "Mum...can I have a drink? Mum can I have an ice lolly? Mum can I have can I have Can I have?"


She'll be awake for a while yet too. Shes bloody terrible! Can't wait to move and give them their own rooms so this little sod can watch a DVD while the well behaved older one gets some kip :hihi:


What about reading to her at bedtime? Does that never work for you? A couple of quiet bedtime stories can be quite calming.

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Wow, There are some really idiotic comments on here!. All children are different so no parent can question anothers way of raising there child. I'm a dad and My 5 year old girl needs a good 11 hours sleep or during the next day she gets really mardy and ratty throughout the day so we make sure she goes to bed no later than 7:30 so she has had a full nights rest before getting up for school. On a Friday and Saturday shes allowed to stay up a little later and then watch a DVD in bed or read a book.


That is her routine and she knows how it works, School nights are straight to bed and weekends she can stay up later.


If it wasn't for her bahaviour when she hasnt had enough sleep then I'd let her stay up later no problem. I can't see a problem with taking your baby/child for a walk at night to settle them down. My 9 month old usually goes to sleep downstairs and then we take her up to bed with us when we go up. We try putting her to bed at 7 and 8 but she wakes up every 5 mins. when she falls asleep downstairs she stays asleep and gets proper rest. When my 5 year old was younger i sometimes took her out in the car for a little drive as it settled her down.


PARENTS knows best and no one else has a right to question that.

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