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I need to repel spiders.

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Thank you all so much.


That dog is not licking my face after eating a spider!


Conkers are not the ugliest things in the world and would look nice in a bowl in every room. But maybe change them regularly or top them up with chestnut oil in the off season.



Hi,to get rid of your problem catch another spider paint it blue and then let it go.All the other spiders in your home will run away because they will think that the bobby is after them.It works every time.


I never laughed so hard!

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House Spiders (WOLF) freak me out a bit too, but they're harmless, I understand that. I love the colours of garden spiders though, there's one all webbed up on the outside of my kitchen window right now, a chubber to be sure, I might even shift it when the window cleaner comes and put him back after :loopy: because I'm sure it helps keeping lots of dog poop munching bluebottles out of my kitchen.


Put it in perspective though too! I have a lovely little Degu (looks like a rat sized gerbil, quite bright, very demanding) and I suppose to her a Wolf spider looks like an eight legged cat with its teeth on the outside, would to us :gag:

However, to the spider WE must look like a creature the size of a VILLAGE on legs! That's why they FREEZE when they notice you move, they're screaming "A WALKING VILLAGE!!!!!".

I suspect.


Good idea putting all those anti-terrorism devices around your bed, unless of course one 'mission-impossibles' down from the ceiling while you're asleep and lays eggs under your eyelids and in your ears. They're renowned for that, and not even hanging around for cuddles afterwards :hihi:

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since i was bitten in bed by a house spider (one of the big black ones) i am terrified.

Was in a mess for weeks, loosing blood from it, swollen hand, hospital for days...

I put conkers in the corner of every room...and if i see one ever..i kill it..

There are oils you can get to smear round any open windows and doors ect..

They are the work of the devil.

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since i was bitten in bed by a house spider (one of the big black ones) i am terrified.

Was in a mess for weeks, loosing blood from it, swollen hand, hospital for days...

I put conkers in the corner of every room...and if i see one ever..i kill it..

There are oils you can get to smear round any open windows and doors ect..

They are the work of the devil.


I knew it !!!!!


"ooo they're harmless". Clearly they are not. Get a powerful vacume cleaner. Snozzle them, even the big uns. Or get a cat.

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I had a dog that I taught to catch spiders. I say taught, he did it of his own accord, but I gave him inordinate amounts of praise for doing it, so he got better, and was so pleased with himself whenever he caught one because he knew he would get lots of cuddles :D

He even stole one from the cat when the cat was stalking it.

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since i was bitten in bed by a house spider (one of the big black ones) i am terrified.

Was in a mess for weeks, loosing blood from it, swollen hand, hospital for days...

I put conkers in the corner of every room...and if i see one ever..i kill it..

There are oils you can get to smear round any open windows and doors ect..

They are the work of the devil.


Yeah and i got bitten by a black mamba the other day whilst walking the hound, A couple of paracetomols and a lie down did the trick:hihi:


Hospitalised from a house spider bite, yeah right.:suspect:

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