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Pubs and clubs in decline-Just unlicence supermarkets.

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If they are saying that British society has a problem with alcohol consumption and the heritage industry of local pub is dying out, then why not stop supermarkets from selling alcohol?


It seems that if someone at a local public house gives too much alcohol to a customer/s and they then cause trouble, the local councils can in extreme cases revoke licenses or not grant them in the first place, so why can't local councils just say we don't want supermarkets selling cheap booze because they have no control over consumption?


If booze is being pumped out of these places without discretion,then why not go back to what was before them when the local pubs/clubs were focal points for communities?

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If you unlicenced supermarkets that would increase the number of 'fake/industrial alcohol' being sold that are harmful to your health. I, personally, don't think that stopping supermarkets from selling alcohol would have any positive outcomes.


Is the government solely to blame for the decline of pubs etc? I'm not sure, I am not really a fan of drinking or clubbing (only was when it was new to me at 17/18 ) and I don't have any friends or family that are big fans either. Is society just changing? Eg, pubs where the place to go for a social life and catch up etc, we don't need that now with social media/internet etc. In my experience, people go out drinking to do just that.

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Ang on... how many people before supermarkets were dropping dead due to moonshine or the likes?


You see I remember thriving pubs, clubs ect and can't really remember any of the neighbors dropping due to knocking up some blackberry wine.


You can say one thing for pubs but they were a glue for communities and I reckon a lot of breakdown in society could be down to lack of social interaction between people in communities. Long gone are the days where we all met up on a Sunday for Church or have jobs where your life was in your friends/co-workers hands, and with the public houses disappearing its easy to imagine the correlation.


We used to have a strong community where I live and over the years the pubs went and things got worse where people now are more likely to live a selfish lifestyle and care not about those around them. In the pub things got discussed, peoples behavior was open to community scrutiny and bonds and alliances with neighbors were seen to be beneficial.


If they are saying that the supermarket has killed the local pub, then why not deal with it head on instead of bowing to capitalism.


It should be about what works and not what someone can get out of it financially

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Sorry H Hounds if my reply seemed abrupt, its just on my local level I think that the decline in locals in which you can consume your drink and the rise in drinking within the home and at more central places to do it, in the city centre ect, has secluded people in communities.


In Islamic communities they still have the interaction within the Mosque and so things can get discussed and the strength of the community is maintained.


A lot of the failings of this country is of its own doing with its short sighted quest for wealth and saving a penny here and there. I don't think enough has been thought and discussed about this so I hope my views stir some interest for or against.

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pubs and clubs are doing themselves out of business,(with a lot of help from pubco) £3 for a pint of what mainly is water is extornianate,the fact that even when supermarkets arent using them as market leaders they are still well under 50% of the cost of a pint in the pub. no thanks i will take my custom elsewhere

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If they want to charge over £3 a pint then there has to be something more than grumpy staff, smelly old men & a one armed bandit to attract me, it has to be really nice beer too. £3.50+ for a pint of Stella in a dirty estate pub? No thanks. The ones that closed fit that description, there are still a few left, hopefully they'll close soon too. Pubs that provide better value are busier.

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The government doesn't want people drinking but it wants the tax from alcohol, end of. Having read through some of the posts in this thread, it's obvious the real topic is not about alcohol.

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The government doesn't want people drinking but it wants the tax from alcohol, end of. Having read through some of the posts in this thread, it's obvious the real topic is not about alcohol.


Tesco would never allow it to happen, I mean the no licence bit.


America managed(sort of) for a while.

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