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First's new money making scheme - bus drivers don't carry a change float

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What happened to that Vidimat thing:?:


That didnt solve the change problem it just allowed people who had the right money to board , the machine was just a photo copier that copied what coins you had put in. Unfortutunatley one of the side affects of this was that the driver was short of change as it all went in the videmat. They were discontinued when the company stopped providing parts for them

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Drivers on First get £5 float but that can go quickly. You don't know how long that driver had been on that bus. The procedure is simple, if the driver has the change by the end of the journey he/she gives it you and if not you go and collect it. Easiest way is to have the right change, the fares are simple enough. IMO Glasgow's way of doing it is better where the driver carries no cash, your money just goes into a vault and you do not get any change. Stops people getting on with a £20 note for a £1.40 fare, makes it easier for the driver - there's no cashing in at the end and it reduces attacks on drivers/cashbag theft etc...

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Can we have an example of which tickets cost more than £5 and can be purchased from a bus driver in Sheffield please I would love to know what they are.


All the First weeks


Don't forget the South Yorkshire Daytripper.


I actually wrote to First about this because I was curious and their response:


Bus Drivers are provided with a float at the start of their duties, but as some start operation at 0430 in the morning they can be short of change once they hit the morning peak. The very nature of their job as mobile staff, who may be required to change from bus to bus, during their duty means that the amount of change that can be carried is imited. Unlike in a shop they have no large capacity, high security vault for their use, and cannot ring a bell, for someone to bring them further supplies


Poor spelling & grammar aside I put forward these points:


1. 0430 in the morning as opposed to 0430 in the afternoon ???


2. If they're running out prior to the mid-morning rush then wouldn't common sense dictate a slightly larger float for the drivers at the start of the day.


3. As I've said in a previous post, they have methods of communication that they can use and offices in interchanges so why can't their be a change safe installed at the interchanges and the driver call for a member of staff to meet the bus in the interchange with fresh supplies.

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Drivers on First get £5 float but that can go quickly. You don't know how long that driver had been on that bus. The procedure is simple, if the driver has the change by the end of the journey he/she gives it you and if not you go and collect it. Easiest way is to have the right change, the fares are simple enough. IMO Glasgow's way of doing it is better where the driver carries no cash, your money just goes into a vault and you do not get any change. Stops people getting on with a £20 note for a £1.40 fare, makes it easier for the driver - there's no cashing in at the end and it reduces attacks on drivers/cashbag theft etc...


Maybe all shops could adopt a similar procedure, after all I'm sure they can't really be bothered with having to have a float and cashing up and the potential to be robbed...

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BEWARE!!!!!!! First are striving to make more money by not having a float first thing in the morning!!!! My fare came to £2.50 I gave him £3. He couldn't give me the change and said that if he didn't have the change by the end of my journey, then I would have to claim it back off the company!!!!!!!!! This process takes 48 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How many people are going to claim back 5p 10p 20p???????????????????



well if u have right change u wouldnt be complaining would you , end of day drivers are only following compant procedures !!!!!!!!

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For all those who say "its the passengers responsibility to have the correct change", I'd love to know how many businesses be it Butchers Shops, Coffee Shops etc.... would stay in business if they were not able to provide change.


I can see it now


CUSTOMER - "I'd like 9 links of Sausages please"


BUTCHER - "certainly sir, that will be £3.55"


CUSTOMER - "I've only got £10 I'm afriad"


BUTCHER - "No problem"


Butcher takes £10 note


CUSTOMER "what about my change?"


BUTCHER - "you should have had correct money, come back at the weekend and I'll give you your change"


I can see this Butcher lasting long in business, if that happened to me, I'd use another Butcher. Surely first have a responsibilty to provide change for customers?


Or is it a case of publicly funded services having its customers over a barrel?

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It must be 30 years since I last used a Sheffield bus and it was the norm then for us to give the right money.....the buses are STILL running aren't they :?:

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