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First's new money making scheme - bus drivers don't carry a change float

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Actually, the arrangement in Bristol's a lot better than that - they print off a change voucher from the ticket machine and you can use it as payment for any future journeys. No need to go and claim it anywhere. Has been like that for years and works well - don't see why First haven't done the same nationwide.

An excellent idea.

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You can't always expect people to have exactly the correct money when purchasing a service.


In my business, I would love every class member to give me the correct money, then I wouldn't have to bother carting change around to each class. The reality is that people have busy lives and do things at the last minute and someone will want to pay with a £20 note for a class.


I could turn round and say "sorry no change", although I would make some extra cash on that occasion, the customer would be pretty miffed. SOme might say (in an ideal world) the next time they would remember to bring the right amount of money, however in the real world they probably won't come back and take their money to a different fitness class. (in other words, would give me the 2 fingers)


The problem it seems we are being charged more and more and recieving a poor service, on things we cannot avoid. Take for example car parking charges, the meters don't provide change, and in some cases don't accept the new 5p or 10ps. Even the buses are twigging onto this "not giving change" con.


A case of rip of britain?

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omg, can't believe this thread is still running, how hard is it to get on a flipping bus with the right dosh, get responsible and above all get a life. :loopy::rant:


It's apparently no more difficult than to answer the question about how you get change out of the ATM? This is the 3rd time I've asked it in response to a comment like yours, and I've had zero replies.

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Probably because it seems a bit of a daft question when it's obvious that you don't actually get change out of a ATM but with a bit of common sense application you gets your notes from the hole in the wall the day before, then during the course of the day, spend one of the notes which gives you some change. This you then put into one of your pockets until you go out again in the morning and viola Bingo, you are able to give the bus driver pretty much as near as dammit, your fare for the bus ride.....OK:?:

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It's apparently no more difficult than to answer the question about how you get change out of the ATM? This is the 3rd time I've asked it in response to a comment like yours, and I've had zero replies.


get organised! :huh:

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Probably because it seems a bit of a daft question when it's obvious that you don't actually get change out of a ATM but with a bit of common sense application you gets your notes from the hole in the wall the day before, then during the course of the day, spend one of the notes which gives you some change. This you then put into one of your pockets until you go out again in the morning and viola, you are able to give the bus driver pretty much as near as dammit, your fare for the bus ride.....OK:?:


well said joani, how's chachi, happy days!:hihi:

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