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First's new money making scheme - bus drivers don't carry a change float

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As most bus fares (single) are sub £3, I think it would class as small value.


And who's ranting? In this alternate universe you've created, I'd take my custom elsewhere, saving that, then yes I'd make sure I had the correct change unless there was absolutely no way for me to get change.

What alternate reality? One where cash points only give out notes? What do they do in your universe?


You'll note that it was a question about whether you'd rant, I didn't say you were doing.


I still wouldn't hide my indifference/laziness

Moral objection to being told that they don't need to carry a float and you need to have the correct money.

You can characterise it how you like of course, personally I characterise your defence of their shoddy business practices as suspect and perplexing.

behind a spurious excuse that I was making a stand against 'big business' whilst leaving an employee on low wages to find my change from their own bank account.


And if this other shop had a company supplied float, surely it would be better to deplete theirs than one funded by an employee?

So you're saying you'd accept it then if tescos stop giving change, and you would abuse another shop in order to pander to them.

Which is exactly what you do regarding first, you pander to their refusal to behave reasonably and abuse other retailers who do provide a float.

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i always make sure that i have some change for the bus - the other day i was on the bus and this guy got on and offered the driver a £20 note i couldnt believe it, it really annoys me


Because getting a £20 note out of the cash point is such a rare thing to happen, and wanting to spend it is just outrageous!

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Guest busdriver1
i always make sure that i have some change for the bus - the other day i was on the bus and this guy got on and offered the driver a £20 note i couldnt believe it, it really annoys me


Ah but you are in a minority who can see the advantage of taking responsibility for your own actions. This does indeed make you quite rare and uniquely intelligent amongst SF bus users. You need to develop an attitude that the whole world revolves round yourself and you are the last person in the world that should be held to account for your own actions, Only then will you fit in here.

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I once got told this, so the next day i got on the same number bus at the same time, 6:30AM, my fare was £1.95, so i gave him a collection of tens, twenty's, 2p/1p/5p to the correct value of 1.95, only to be refused??


Can't win.

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Ah but you are in a minority who can see the advantage of taking responsibility for your own actions.

I take full responsibility for my own actions.

When will First be taking it's responsibility as a cash handling business seriously?

This does indeed make you quite rare and uniquely intelligent amongst SF bus users. You need to develop an attitude that the whole world revolves round yourself and you are the last person in the world that should be held to account for your own actions, Only then will you fit in here.

The action is to pay for a service to be delivered. In this case, bus travel. My responsibility is to pay, the responsibility of the service provider is to get me to the destination. Since they are part of a multi national company and I'm an individual, the responsibility for operating a float lies with them as well, not with me.

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Guest busdriver1
I take full responsibility for my own actions.

When will First be taking it's responsibility as a cash handling business seriously?

The action is to pay for a service to be delivered. In this case, bus travel. My responsibility is to pay, the responsibility of the service provider is to get me to the destination. Since they are part of a multi national company and I'm an individual, the responsibility for operating a float lies with them as well, not with me.


As I said, you are not prepared to help yourself in any way and expect every one else to run around after you. Try getting on my bus with that attitude and make sure you have some good walking shoes on. Most other people manage but you want the world to revolve round you. Wake up, it does not and never will.

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Giving the correct change to a shop is not in any way helping myself, it's helping someone else.

I don't expect someone to run around after me, I expect businesses that I use to give me change.


Do you think that the world should instead revolve around First Group?


I'm fortunate enough to be able to use the tram when I choose to use public transport. Strangely enough they never have a problem with being paid by note.

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Guest busdriver1
Giving the correct change to a shop is not in any way helping myself, it's helping someone else.

I don't expect someone to run around after me, I expect businesses that I use to give me change.


Do you think that the world should instead revolve around First Group?



No, I do expect passengers to occasionally make an effort. Something you clearly can not be bothered to do. The tram is welcome to your type.

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